"Miss. Lawson? I am not sure if Melbourne Co. Can continue its partnership with the current uncertainties."

I cringed at his words and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Mr. Melbourne I can assure you that your investment in the company will not be tarnished by Halbridge."

"You cannot assure that when you are supposed to be dating him and he's been sighted cavorting with other women. If you can't control his personal life and publicity then I have no faith that you can control his wayward business sense. Elizabeth I have the greatest faith in you and your business savvy, I do not, however, like the management of your current team. Axel Halbridge is no better than a gambling buffoon and I do not want my company associated with him in any way."

That idiot! I wanted to wring his neck! He really was trying to destroy me and my business. Conner Melbourne was a big name and it had taken years to prove myself competent in his eyes! How on earth was I supposed to control Axel? Melbourne made him sound like a dog, a dog was more obedient! I'd prefer a dog to Axel anyway, I don't need him for mind blowing sex, I have spare batteries! I huffed frustratedly and squeezed my eyes and massaged my temple,

"Mr. Melbourne, I can get control of this situation. Just give me some time to sort this out. Please."

I avoided sounding desperate, I think my tone was more exasperated than anything. I could almost hear the ticking of his mind as he thought this over, he let out a large sigh,

"You have one week Elizabeth and after that I won't hesitate to pulling my support."

"Very well," I conceded. "I'll get Tara to set up a meeting in a week to discuss these matters."

"Until then."

I listened to the dead line through the phone for about 5 minutes before I hung up. I gave a heavy sigh and walked to the paperwork on the coffee table and looked at it. Axel's perfect handwriting taunting me, I felt my frustration building and let out a slight warrior cry as I pushed it all off the table. I wanted to burn it all!

I don't know how long I sat there for but when Tara and Steve walked into my office the wooden table was cleared of paper and it was sprawled around me. They raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Food was placed in front of me I nodded at the pair as they left. I sighed and picked up my chop sticks and picking at the food, I really wasn't hungry but I knew that I would need it. I ate half of the marinated chicken and rice before I was full. I packed the food away and called Tara to put it away somewhere. The smell was slowly starting to irritate me. I started on picking the paperwork up and putting them back in piles.

I really didn't want to bother with this bullshit.

My anger had simmered but when my doors opened to reveal the source I could feel it boiling to breaking point again. I knew it was him before I looked up, his cologne wafted through my office, he didn't bother to knock. Everyone knows to knock on my door, aside from him. The thing that I notice most was his presence. He had a strong aura about him that I couldn't ignore, when we were in the same room I was always hyper aware of him. It was a blessing and a curse, when he was close to me I would feel my pulse accelerate and his touch took me a place where only he and I existed. Axel Halbridge made it hard to focus on anything but him. The sound of the door closing echoed and I hated how it felt to be alone in a room with him, it felt illicit and heady. I could feel his movements as I picked up papers, I saw his shiny black shoes in front of me and chewed my bottom lip as my eyes slowly raked up his body and up to his face. His golden eyes heated like molten lava and I felt my insides melt.

The small voice in my head snapped me out of my lust full haze before I could let it get the better of me. I stood up abruptly and picked up the approved files and shoving them in his hands. I schooled my expression to that of an emotionless person, cold and calculating business woman.

The Billionaires Revenge. [Needs Edit. Complete]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ