Thoughts of Love

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I sit at my desk, quietly,


Pen in hand,

Trying to understand

The subject on which

I wish to write,



For there are many types of love;

A parent's love for their child.

A Doctor's love for the medicine

That cures his patient.

A canine's love for his master.

A sibling's love.

An accountant's love

For an orderly balance sheet.

A musician's love of harmony.


None of these

Are helpful

To me.

For tonight,

I wish to write

Of my love for you.

The sound of your laughter,

The touch of your hand,

These are the things,

I can understand.

The mischievous thoughts,

That swirl through your mind,

Are just some of the traits,

That my heart just finds,


So, now these words

Are said,

I shall put aside

My quill,

And fill my mind,

With thoughts of you.

                                     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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