Just a normal night (smut)

Start from the beginning

“Naah that doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman at the end we are all the same, right?”

“Oi boy, you know what? I like you! You should come more often to this beautiful place. Have fun downstairs! And if you come back later and you’re not pleased, I promise you, you’ll get some beer for free.”

“Sounds good. See ya later!” Harry took the last sip of his beer and stood up to find the way downstairs. He didn’t bother to tell his friends where he was going, they were to distract flirting or snogging with other girls. So he went straight out and found the corridor behind the curtain. At the winding stair he heard different music, a bit slower and he smelled the scent of smoke. He went downstairs and found himself in a dimmed room, with leather seats and small tables in front of a stage. Not many people were there, just a few older men who drank some whiskey and smoke on cigars.

He took a seat in the back of the room a bit angry at the bartender’s statement because the old men were not really an option to spend the night with.

Suddenly the lights on the stage were turned on and a few men, just closed in tight dirty worker’s pants, came out of the backstage area behind the stage. They started dancing with moving their hips in perfect synchronization and harmony and showing their muscles of their bare chests.

At first Harry felt a bit embarrassed to watch these men dancing in front of him. He has never been in a club like this before and it was all new for him, but after a while he started to enjoy this and he couldn’t feel sorry for the fact that he was turned on by the men on stage. When the song they were dancing to ended, they left the stage.

But the show wasn’t over yet. One single man, a bit smaller than the others, took a few steps to the middle of the stage and sat on a wooden chair, he had brought with him. He wore nothing but really tight black boxers with black suspenders and a black mask on his face. Just by the way the mask fits perfectly, just revealing some sharp cheekbones and some full lips, Harry could tell that the boy had a quite feminine face and he was desperate to see what the mask was hiding.

When a slow song echoed through the loudspeakers, the boy still sat on the chair but started moving his legs with spreading and crossing them in a very seductive and lascivious way. Then he leaned over the chair and stretched his legs that he almost laid over the chair. The whole time, the boy was dancing, Harry hold his breath and couldn’t look away. He had never seen someone dancing like this. It was like the dancer was completely lost in the music, moving his body, thrusting his hips to the beat and his trailing hands over his chest and thighs.

The song went over fluent into another faster song and the other men joined the lonely dancer on stage again. But Harry didn’t see them. His eyes were glued on the smaller boy who was dancing in the middle of the other dancers and Harry wanted nothing more than to stand up and rip the mask of the boy’s face.

Too soon, the song ended again and the show was over, leaving Harry with a boner in his skinny jeans. Harry mentally cursed the bartender, because he only wanted someone to fuck and now he was more desperate than ever before.

All of a sudden he felt a hand on his shoulder and someone sat next to him. He slowly came back to reality and looked to the person next to him, who had a cheeky grin on his face. He widened his eyes, these cheekbones and lips were the same like the one from the boy on stage and Harry started studying his other features. Sparkling blue eyes with some small laughing lines on their side, a small but perfect nose and a round chin covered with a small shape of stubbles. He was still in his outfit he wore on stage and Harry could see every single muscle under the boy’s skin.

“Like what you see?”  He asks with a melodic voice, giving Harry some goose bumps and he instantly knew, he could listen to this unique voice for his entire life. He blinked a few times and tried to concentrate on something different than the beautiful boy in front of him. “Sorry, I didn’t want to—“

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