Preference #23: Carry You Inspired.

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“Just lay your problems on me”

It takes George only one look at you to know everything’s got too much for you and you need him. Your eyes aren’t shining, your smile is missing and you don’t talk. You keep telling him you want to be alone, keep trying to push him away and he keeps going back and pulling you close, because he’s always there for you. He stays there hugging you until you’re ready to talk, to lay your problems on him. Because together you’re stronger.


“The demons are screaming so loud in your head”

It’s shocking for him to see you sitting in the corner of your dark room, hugging your knees as close to your chest as you can. Your hair is messy, eyes are red and mascara is running down your pale cheeks. But the biggest shock for him is your bleeding knuckles and the broken mirror. He doesn’t talk as he lifts your numb body up and carries you into the bathroom to clean you up, he doesn’t talk as he cleans up the room, he doesn’t talk as he tucks you in and crawls next to you in the soft bed and he doesn’t talk as he pulls you close, letting you cry some more. He doesn’t talk until you fall asleep, knowing the words are useless against the demons in your head. Instead he just keeps you warm and close and he just keeps loving you and healing your broken figure.


“You know that I know the real you”

It’s something he says when you’re trying to hide from him, when you try to keep your feelings away from him. It can be a simple “I’m fine” when you’re clearly not, or a “Go out and have fun, I’m fine staying here” when all you want to do is cuddle him or an angry “Just leave, I don’t care.” when you’re tired of fighting but are so afraid of loosing him. He knows you’re scared of showing your real feelings, afraid of being hurt, he knows that instinct of yours that makes you want to hide. He knows the real you and he doesn’t give up on you.


“When I fell you pulled me through”

He still remembers that dark time of his, when the press, the fame, the pressure, the expectations, the rush,  the hotel rooms and loneliness broke him. He had enough and he was falling. Falling into a deep and dark place that put a blindfold over his eyes, so he couldn’t see anything bright.  He lost his motivation and his inspirations and he was dying inside, very slowly until you appeared. Because your showing up was a wake up call for him and he opened his eyes. You appeared, you saved him and pulled him through.

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