Preference #17: You're Famous.

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Josh: “Hey Y/N.” Your manager knocked on your door and you saw him in the mirror. “Hey. What’s up?” You asked as your makeup artist put on your makeup for your concert. “You’ve got a special visitor. He’s got backstage passes and is seated front row.” “Oh?” You noticed him. He was tall, with dark hair, and handsome. This surprise guest of yours had on a black leather jacket, light pull-over, jeans, and Nike sneakers. His hair was jelled into a quiff. Did you mention he was insanely attractive? Jumping up from the chair once your makeup was done, you welcomed him in to your dressing room. “Hi, I’m Y/N.” You reached out to shake his hand. “I know,” He laughed lightly, it was a beautiful sound. “I’m Josh.” Wow, even his stunning blue eyes were amazing. He was… beautiful. “I just wanted to say Hey and let you know I’m a huge fan. Oh, and these are for you.” He handed you a bouquet of Y/F/F and you smiled, closing your eyes to inhale their scent. “Thanks, Josh.” You smiled and he winked. “Good luck, beautiful.” He smirked, and then he was gone. All throughout the concert your eyes met, and afterwards you invited him back to your dressing room again to chat. You ended up scoring his number, and eventually a new boyfriend. 

JJ: Being a movie star had been your dream forever, and finally you were established. You had released your third movie, and it was awarded for a BAFTA. Every famous person would be there, including your celebrity crush, JJ Hamblett. Your limo pulled up to the red carpet and you found yourself suddenly nervous. Taking a deep breath, you stepped out, flashing the large slit in your dress that went up to your hip and your beautiful stilettos. The cameras immediately began flashing and the paps shouted at you. You knew this was your element, and buzzed with excitement. You were answering a few questions further down the carpet when someone bumped in to you. “Oh god, I’m so sorry!” A man in a tux laughed slightly and held you in his arms to prevent you from falling. “I mean uh- hi.” He stuttered, throwing you a large smile. “Hi.” You were just as starstruck, realizing it was your all-time crush. “You’re pretty,” He blurted and you blushed, “I mean um- so sorry for running into you, love. You’re very gorgeous.” “Wow. Thanks, JJ. I’m-” “Y/N. I know. I love your films. But I wanted to know, will you be at the after party?” You soon discovered you were going to the same party, and you made plans to meet up there. You did, and it led to something amazing- finding the love of your life.

Jaymi: Fashion was your life, and as a young designer it was hard for you to get publicity and credibility. However, Cara Delevigne and other famous models had just taken a liking to your clothing, and wore them to some important events. Suddenly, you were famous and every star wanted a piece of you. That’s when you got the call. Your publicist let you know that for your latest collection, you should use male models to go with the females. You had complete creative freedom to pick anyone, but you discovered that you needed someone to walk out with you. Who else would you pick but your crush? You quickly rang him, as you were friends,  and he agreed, quite enthusiastically. The night of the fashion show came, and you were running around, fixing all the models’ clothes and doing last minute preparations. “Y/N! Get ready!” You quickly ran into your private room and threw off your clothes. Just as you were beginning to slip into one of your signature pieces, you heard someone at the door. Turning round, you saw Jaymi. He looked down slightly, and you realized you were only in your bra from the waist up. “Wow.” He said softly, a grin spreading across his face. “Oh, shut up.” You flushed red and quickly pulled up the rest of your dress. Grabbing your mic, you were ready to introduce your first line. Taking Jaymi’s arm, you walked out to the end of the runway. After making your speech, something spectacular happened. Jaymi dipped you, and kissed you passionately. “Woah.” You whispered in surprise. “Woah.” He mirrored you, smirking slightly as the crowd applauded. 

George: You were a famous dancer/singer. You were all over the place, from the rock genre, to the R&B and hip-hop. Your fans were very versatile that way, and loved you for your variation. Tonight’s concert would be the first show on your first world tour. Nervous, you waited backstage. That’s when you noticed someone in the crowd- it was your favorite boyband, Union J! You zeroed in on your favorite and not-so-secret crush George Shelley. All too soon, there was your cue, and you appeared on stage, belting out the beginning to your R&B hit. And when the rap verse came about, you killed it. You danced all out to the music and the crowd was loving it, especially a certain brown-eyed dimpled boy. You got so into the music and the crowd’s vibe, that you decided to crowd surf. Jumping out, you were shocked to land in someone’s muscled arms. Your Y/E/C eyes met his brown and you almost swooned. It was George! “Hello, beautiful!” He grinned and you laughed. “Hey, babe.” “I’ll see you back stage.” He whispered in your ear before your security came to get you and put you back on stage. You continued your set and thanked the crowd. After two encores, you retired to your dressing room totally pumped up. It couldn’t have gone better. There was a knock on the door frame and Union J entered. “Great job, Y/N!” The boys said and you blushed a bit, thanking them with a large smile on your face. “So our man wanted to say something.” Josh said, clapping George o the back as he was shoved forward. “I er- you’re um- we- could I maybe get your number, love?” He stammered out and you giggled, making your way towards him. “Of course.” You grabbed his phone and plugged it in. “Bye, boys.” You hugged them all, and noticed George’s hand lingered on the small of your back as he gave you a light squeeze. Soon after they left and you got on your tour bus, you had a text. 

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