Chapter Eight

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Why are we at a fair?

I turned in my seato look at Harry, a big smirk on his face. 

"So, this is our official first date in London," he smiled at me and hopped out of the car.

I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door, just as I was about to get out of the car Harry was standing infront of me.

"I was supposed to open the door, that's what I heard your supposed to do on first dates," he pouted.

I smiled at him, he is such an idiot sometimes. I pushed him out of the way so I could get out of the car.

We walked over to the fair grounds, grabbing my hand.

"I also heard you're supposed to hold hands on the first date," he smirked at me, continuing his little game.

We got up to the ticket office. Just as I was about to pay for my wristband Harry gave the lady enough money for two.

"Apparently gentlemen pay for the girl on the first date," He winked at me, clearly enjoying this teasing.

We walked into the fair grounds and looked at all the rides in amazement. This was the first time I had been to fair since my parents passed.

"Let's go on that?" He pointed at the big roller coaster.

Did I mention I had a fear of rollercoasters? No? Okay, well you know now, but Harry doesn't. He looked so excited though, I didn't want to ruin his mood.

"Uhm, okay," I forced a smile and we walked over to the rollercoaster.

We stood in line for 10 minutes. By the time we got the front of the line I was freaking out. Harry could tell I was scared.

"Hey, look at me," He gently lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes. "We don't have to go on this ride if you don't want to."

"No, I want to," I pulled on my best fake smile. Come on Kim, stop being such a pussy!

"Okay then, if your sure, don't worry, i'll protect you," a huge smile spread across his face,  his dimples being showed off to the world.

The staff member let us on the ride. We strapped in and the countdown began.


The rollercoaster started really fast and I was screaming the whole way. Harry was just laughing and holding onto my hand. I think I may have cut of his circulation because I was holding on so tight.

The ride finally stopped. I was so relieved that that was over. 

Funfair my ass. I could think of many words to describethat ride, terrifying, heart stopping, stomach churning, fun however was completely of the mark.

Harry had a look of sympathy and regret in his eyes as we walked away from the ride.

"I had fun," I smiled at him. He knew I was lying but started laughing because he knew I would do anything to see him smile.

He gave me his jacket since it was starting to get a bit chilly, we walked around deciding apon what to do.

We went on the bumper carts and the tea cup ride, much to Harry's embarrassment, there are going to be amazing pictures of this from fans and paps.

A little boy, the age of about 9 walked over to us. He looked a bit unstable and queezy, like he was going to fall over.

He tripped infront of us, like the nice person I am i lean forward so he doesn't fall. And what does he do? VOMIT ALL OVER THE JACKET IM WEARING! I mean, it's not even my jacket, it's Harry's but the worst part is the smell.

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