Chapter Five

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There stood the two out of the three people that were supposedly robbing the boys house. Sudden relief washed over me, the two people in front of me were the one and only -or should I say two and only? NO, you shouldn't! Louis' voice rang through my head, I watched The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction too many times- Eleanor and Ed.

"OHMYGOSH YOU MUST BE KIM!" Eleanor screeched excitedly.

"Calm down El, you're going to scare her off!" Ed shook his head, "I'm Ed by the way and this is Eleanor, we've heard so much about you!" He smiled then looked at the bag of groceries beside me and confusion crossed his face. "Why do you have a bag of groceries up here?"

I laughed nervously, knowing how stupid my story was going to sound to them. I explained how I went to the store and I came back thinking that they were thieves. They started laughing and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 

I JUST MADE ED-FRIGGEN GINGER GOD-SHEERAN LAUGH, TALK ABOUT FANGIRLING FROM THE INSIDE!! If you told me this time last year that I was gonna be dating Harry Styles, living with One Direction and meeting their girlfriends and Ed Sheeran I would've laughed and punched you in the face for getting my hopes up.

"Wait, I thought there were three of you?" I asked confused as they were still laughing at my 'oh so hilarious' story.

"Oh, yeah, that's Danielle! Want to come down and meet he-" Ed nudged Eleanor before she could talk any more. Ed whispered something into her ear and she nodded.

"Want to come for a walk with me? I can show you around London!" She asked me cheerfully.

"Uh, no thanks, I need to go put these groceries away and I thought that maybe I could cook the boys some dinner since they're letting me stay here," Eleanor looked at Ed, urging him to say something.

"No, it's okay, I got it," He grabbed the bag of groceries from beside me, "Go with Eleanor for a while, Danielle and I will make dinner." He smiled and ran out the room before I could protest.

Eleanor grabbed my hand and helped me up from the ground, we walked down the stairs and back out the back door. "Why don't we just go out the front door?" I asked grabbing my phone out of my bra. 

"Oh I thought I would first show you the garden and then the city?" she asked hesitantly and laughed nervously. We walked around the garden, showing me the fountain and the beautiful pool. We walked out the gate and we were on the street, heading towards the big city of London.

We talked about a lot of things. My relationship with Harry, her relationship with Louis, Louis and Harry's relationship, the boys, fashion, all sorts of stuff. My phone buzzed in my hand, signalling that I had received a new text. 

"Oh my gosh Kim, you need a new phone, you can't just date Harry Styles and still own a Nokia!" I laughed and so did she. 

I instantly smiled as I saw the name of the person who texted me.

HarryCurls <3

I quickly texted him back.


"Unfortunately I don't have the money to afford an IPhone, let alone go to college!" Not being able to college was like a kid not being able to go to school, you end up getting a job like working at McDonald's for the rest of your life and not being able to go overseas or anything.

"Hey, you could go get a job with me at Hollister! They pay me well because I model for the catalogue and advertise well and get a lot of girls to shop at Hollister, I don't think it's me getting the girls to shop there though, I reckon it's just because i'm Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend so that's why they shop there, but it's not like I care, i'm going to college at the start of next year to study medicine, anyway, sorry for going off topic but I could get you a job there!" She beamed at me, half out of breath.

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