Connect the Dots [challenge]

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challenge: Create two or three characters randomly. These characters must be completely different from the previous ones. Then find a way to connect them and let us meet them in your short story!

If you want this to be more challenging choose different settings (location or time period) as well.

This can turn out really comedic or you can make it about two different people not being so different after all. Whatever you want.

purpose: Challenges you to think creatively.

example: (outline)


Sixteen year old Samantha Kennedy is an outcast. Bullied for a birth defect, she drops out of school and looks for meaning in her life. She likes cosplaying for comicon.

Thirty-nine year old Wendy Truman is a stock broker with a husband and two kids. She enjoys her job, but hates being dragged to conventions and conferences by her enthusiastic boss who loves networking.

Where do they meet?

They meet at a stock market convention. However, Samantha has no interest in stocks. She confused the dates for the comicon (same location as the stocks convention) and walked into the convention in full cosplay! Talk about awkward.

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