Chapter 15

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The Next Morning 3:30 AM


Tyler: Taylor and Colby are taking you to the airport because i can't deal with crying children right now and i can't be here alone and awake at 3:30 in the morning

Roman: Ok so are they just going to stay there until yall flight leaves and why can't you be alone

Tyler: No they are going to go back to Taylor's house so she can put her car in the garage and i'm going to pick them up and i'm very paranoid that's why Tay is always here

Roman: Ok and you're leaving your car at the airport

Tyler: No my mom and dad are going to meet us at the airport and drive my car back to New York

Roman: That's a long drive and how you gonna get your car back

Tyler: Yea but there used to driving that long to come see me and i'm going to fly to New York and drive back to Denver

Dean: Why don't you just have Taylor drive your car back since she's going to New York when we leave Davenport

Tyler: Because i have trust issues

Dean: What

Roman: I'm confused too

Tyler: I don't trust Tay with my car

Dean: Why

Tyler: I just don't

Roman: So you trust her to watch your house but not your car

Tyler: Yep

The phone rings and Tyler answers it

Tyler: Hello

Taylor: Tell Joe to we're here

Tyler: Ok is Londyn with you

Taylor: Yea

Tyler: You want Jon to come get her

Taylor: Yes please

Tyler: Ok bye

Taylor: Bye

Tyler hangs up

Tyler: Your ride is here and Jon you need to go get Londyn without waking her up

Roman: Ok Joelle come

Joelle: Daddy i'm sleepy

Roman: You can sleep on the plane

Joelle: Ok Bye Uncle Jon bye Auntie Tyler

Dean: Bye JoJo

Tyler: Bye baby

Jon gets Londyn and brings her inside then they leave

Dean: Do you want me to go get the girls clothes out

Tyler: Yea after you do that can you pack their carry on bags

Dean: Yea

Tyler: Ok i'm going to go get ready

Dean: Ok

30 mins later (4:00 AM)

Tyler: Babe get ready i'll get the girls ready

Dean: Ok

Jordynn's Room

Tyler: Jordie wake up

Jordynn wakes up

Jordynn: Mommy i don't wanna get up

Tyler: But we have to get on the plan

(On Hiatus )I'm Pregnant Dean AmbroseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant