Chapter 6

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The Next Morning

Dean POV: I just woke up and it is 5:30 we have to get up this early because we both have to take showers and then we have to cook breakfast and get the girls dressed and everything so yea Tyler said it might be 6:30 when we leave

Tyler: Good morning

Dean: Morning

Tyler: Are you ready for this long process

Dean: I'm as ready as i'll ever be

Tyler: Ok go get the girls up

Dean: You know i think you should go do that

Tyler: Are you scared or something

Dean: Yes i am actually

Tyler: Well i'll go get them up you go get dressed and make breakfast

Dean: Ok babe

They Go Their Separate Ways....Dean Gets Dressed and Goes and Cooks


Tyler:Britani wake up

Britani wakes up and starts crying

Tyler: Brit what's wrong

Britani: I'm sleepy

Tyler: Baby you have to go to daycare

Britani: I don't wanna go

Tyler: Baby mommy has to get ready for your birthday party

Britani: Fine i'll go

Tyler: You were going to go anyways

Tyler picks up Brit and they go to Jordie's room

Tyler: Jordynn wake up

Jordynn wakes up

Jordynn: Mommy i'm hungry

Tyler: You can eat after you get dressed

Jordynn: Ok mommy

They get dressed and Tyler sends them down stairs so she can get dressed

Britani & Jordynn: Hi daddy

Dean: Hi babies

Jordynn: Daddy i want food

Dean: Well come eat then

Jordynn: Ok daddy

They eat and Tyler comes down

Tyler: Lets go

Dean: Ok

They pick up the girls and go

In The Car

Dean: So Ty do you have a job or go to school or anything

Tyler: I have a part time job and i'm going to school to be a hair stylist

Dean: You should train and be a wrestler like me

Tyler: And why would i want to be a wrestler like you

Dean: Because you could travel with me

Tyler: You do know i'm going to school to be a HAIR STYLIST right and who would watch the girls

Dean: I don't know we could get a bus or something

Tyler: Ok lets talk about this later because we are here

Inside the Daycare

Tyler: Hey Raegin

Raegin: Hey Tyler Hey Girls

(On Hiatus )I'm Pregnant Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now