Chapter 1: The TRUTH

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*Regina POV*

"Oh no! I think that they found out! What will Robin think! I have this whole grudge on Snow for NO reason! I can't let anyone else find out! My whole life and all my friendships and my attempt to be good, all down the drain!" she told her only person able to confine in, Henry. "It's okay mom! I just found it in a random page in the book! No one else will know. I won't judge you for it, and I'm SURE Robin won't judge you either! You just have to tell him and everyone else in town the TRUTH. If you don't they will get mad at you!" Henry said. "But if I tell them the truth, they will strip me of my happiness and all that I have worked to build!"


Hey guys! this is my first fanfic! I hope you like it! sorry for the short chapter! I promise next Chapter you find out the big secret!


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