I set the ingredients for the smoothie down and grabbed the other said ingredients. I smiled as I started cooking first before going onto the smoothie. Once things were starting to cook I went to the drinks, adding the yogurt. After I ate some of the said item, I cut the fruits, checking on the food, setting the eggs and cooked pancakes on a plate that I grabbed out of the cabinet. I added the fruits in and put more pancake mix on the hot pan. I put the cap on the blender and turned it on, flipping the pancakes. A soft sigh passed my lips, I wished I had some help.

And my prayers were answered when Luciano came down and took care of the blender while I took care of the rest of the food, setting it on the plate. We could eat off the same plate. I really don't want to wash dishes today so there is no need to make such a mess.

I set the plate on the table and hummed softly as Luciano set the drinks down. I sat down and closed my eyes, feeling something warm pressed against my lips.

"Open your mouth my love. If you don't eat then I'll eat the breakfast for you. " Luciano purred. I whined before opening mouth. A piece of a warm fluffy pancake was then put into my mouth. I chewed happily and hummed. I know Matthew might have been proud of me for making this delicious food that he loved oh so much. I opened my eyes to see Luciano eating happily. I sipped some of my drink, smiling. I suppose I hadn't expected it to taste like that. Maybe I should do this often. Though Luciano usually skips breakfast because he goes to work and training so earlier.

I ate a bit quickly before leaving enough for Luciano. He finished his food and got up to wash the dishes. I drank what was left in the blender, getting some on my black t-shirt. I didn't mind since it could be easily to get off my shirt. "Hey Luci, did you really forget about what we were doing today my love?"

"I think so. I remember it's date night, but I forgot what we were doing today." he answered as he kissed my cheeks. A small giggle came from me as I shook my head.

"It is date night, but my lips are sealed when it comes to saying what we are doing my prince." I purred, poking Luciano's cheeks that heated up by the title he was given.

"Why not though? It's not like it's a big surprise anyway." he mumbled a bit upset at me stubbornness.

"It'll be a big surprise to you my love. Just get ready to go, meaning shoes and socks on now." I ordered as I got up and walked to the sink, washing the used dishes calmly. A soft tune was hummed by me. I looked outside to see it somewhat cloudy, yet the sun peaked out of its hiding spot.

"Feli, I think it's going to rain, my love~" Luciano's voice rang. A huff passed my lips as I finished, putting on my socks and shoes calmly.

"So what? We're still going out, my prince. You better not have any arguments because I'm not listening." I stated as I opened the garage door and grabbing one of the many key rings off the rack. I unlocked a black Ferrari Spider. That model was still new, we had bought it a few days ago, but never used it. Luciano raised a brow at my choice in what car I chose.

"Why did you pick this car,caro?" he asked. I simply shrugged and got in the car, seeing as my lover was getting in the car already. The soft purr of the car brought a smile to my face as I strapped myself in and drove out of the garage, closing it when I was going out of the driveway. Luciano buckled in and relaxed a bit. Light taps of rain hit the window as we drove to a large building that was connected to an Italian restaurant that Luciano and I go to on occasion since it was a bit expensive.

"We're here now. Happy?" Luciano nodded and got out with me. We weren't going to eat, but the large building was an art museum. I had been wanting to go for the longest of times, but was too busy to go. Luciano smiled as he opened the door for me. I thanked him, walking in and automatically coming face to face with a familiar face. There stood Victoria, Seychelles. She looked happy, yet very very bored.

"You okay bella??" I asked calmly as I hugged the girl.

"Uh... Yeah. Just waiting for someone, well, I was." I frowned and kissed her cheeks, looking at Luciano who tousled her hair a bit.

"Well, that person is really forgetful or dumb to leave you here bella. There's more people out there that would be better for you." Luciano said with a smile. Victoria smiled and nodded and walked passed us. We waved goodbye to her before walking around.

*A few hours later*

We had been at the museum for about four to five hours and we're hungry obviously. But I didn't want to leave yet. There are things I hadn't seen yet. But we still need to go eat. The restaurant was next to the building anyway. I lead Luciano to our destination happily. We got our table on the balcony area. The beautiful sky showed as the sunset. Okay maybe we were in there for more than five hours.

A soft sigh cane from Luciano as ge got his a bottle of Merlot from 2010. I loved that wine. It was sweet and worth savouring. The waitress came back with the wine, taking our orders. I ordered for some spaghetti. Luciano wanted seafood Alfredo. I hadn't had that in awhile.

We talked a bit, chuckling from time to time. Our food came earlier than we thought. I ate happily with Luciano, sipping me wine calmly. The night went on calmly. By the time we got home, the moon had shown itself. We took a shower before getting into bed. "Luciano, why did yoy call ke your Prince?"

"Because I'm your prince of the night and you're my prince of the day." he answered as he kissed my lips gently. I calmly kissed back before pulling away and rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat that lulled me to sleep quickly. Luciano held me protectively. And I knew that he would stay with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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