“I wanted to thank you. You, Val and Zacky and Brian actually.” He chuckled.

“And for what? We didn’t do anything.” I sat up and turned to look at him.

“Yes, you did. That day when … well you know … down at the pier … you stood up for me although you didn’t know me and I was acting so weird.”

“Oh that …” We stopped at a red light. He looked back at me and smiled a dimply smile. “I tell you what. No one deserves to be yelled at just because one is scared or confused and is looking for some peace and a moment to oneself. And you looked like you needed it.”

I smiled back at him. Hearing him say that made me feel a lot better about the whole incident. It had secretly ate me away that I got my best friend so worried that she had to fall back on strangers we had met the night before in order to find me. It was embarrassing but with him reassuring me that it was fine eased the small voice of guilt in the back of my mind.

“Thank you … again.” I grinned. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“Don’t worry about it.” The lights turned green and he turned his attention back to the road. We arrived at the butcher’s shop that Matt called ‘the best address in Orange County’ to get meat for a BBQ. Since I couldn’t agree or disagree I just grinned and helped him collecting the huge amount of beef, pork and chicken.

“Seriously, who in god’s name is supposed to eat all that?” I heaved the bags onto the backseat while Matt started the car.

“Oh you will be surprised. This is just a fraction of what we usually eat but it was kind of short notice so we couldn’t invite too many people.” Matt explained as I slumped into the passenger seat.

“And then you invited me? I’m sure someone else would have been more fun.”

“First thing, shut up.” I slapped his arm making him laugh. “Secondly, Val suggested you should come and everyone agreed and thirdly …” He hesitated with his last argument which made me curious.

“And thirdly … what?”

“I … not sure if it is appropriate to say this.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“You started so now you must spill.”

“I must?”

“Don’t change the subject!”

“Wow, ok. Well, thirdly you have a special effect on Brian.” At mentioning Brian my heart started to race in my chest again. Could it be possible …?

“A … special effect?” I asked quietly not daring to look at the man next to me driving.

“Yeah. Before you came along he was … well not himself really and now he is different. More like the old Brian, the Brian we know. It also seems like he found his music again. Since you visited us the other week he nailed three more songs which is a record if I may add.”

“And you think it has something to do with me?” I asked carefully.

“I’m convinced that it must have something to do with you.” He nodded.

I didn’t know what to say. Literally, I was at a loss of words. My heart was going crazy and butterflies erupted in my stomach. I couldn’t believe that I had such a huge effect on someone I barely knew. And that my body was reacting so strangely towards him was just as confusing as the fact that Matt was firmly convinced of my strong influence on his friend. How could it be that a messed up and broken soul like me was able to help someone overcoming those shadows? I couldn’t even deal with my own.

A Little Piece of Heaven - {Synyster Gates - Book 1} -Where stories live. Discover now