Chapter 3

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 A week later. Leo came skipping into my hospital room with Jordan and Jules on her heels.

“Hey Kitty Kat. Let’s get you home!” She sang while she opened the wardrobe and stuffed all my things into the duffle bag they brought in the first place.

I smiled and slowly shifted myself to slip off the bed. My ribs where still hurting and my right arm was in a sling. But that weren’t my only injuries I got this time: I had a slight concussion, a sprained ankle, the ligaments of my right knee were strained and my stomach and back were covered in bruises. I was glad that my face didn’t show any other signs of what happened besides a cut on my left eyebrow and on my lower lip. But still I had to quit the plan of traveling home to my parents. Jordan and I had a huge argument because I didn’t want to tell them what happened. I agreed with him on them having a right to know since they were my parents but I didn’t want to worry them. They had enough issues on their own plate to deal with. Besides if I told my mother she would freak out majorly and never let me out of her sight again. And this was the last thing I wanted.

Jules helped me putting on my jacket. Leo stood at the door bobbing up and down impatiently.

“Shouldn’t I be the one being all excited to leave this awful place?” I grinned at her and Jules let out a low chuckle.

“Yes, actually. But since you obviously don’t show it to the world I will do it for you.”

“That’s … stupid.” Jordan said.

“It is not! Now hurry up folks” She skipped out of the room.

“Hurry up? Now who’s got the concussion?” Jules shook her head and linked my arm with hers. Jordan opened the door and watched me slowly making my way in the hallway.

“Come here, I’ll help you.” Was all he said before he lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the exit. I had already filled in the paperwork before they arrived. Leo was the only one talking during the car drive to the apartment. Jules nodded occasionally but kept quiet. She has always been the quiet one out of us three so it wasn’t unusual. I was a bit worried about Jordan though. We hadn’t really had a chance to talk after our fight so this argument was still standing between us and I felt a bit awkward as he carried me to his car. Although I was glad he did it. It just showed that he still cared and that we still were friends. I on the other hand was worried because of something else. We were going back home, to Jules’ and I’s apartment. But was it still home? Lenny had intruded my save haven. How could I possibly go back to where he tried to kill me? None of my friends knew that I didn’t want to go back. Again I was putting up a brave front, bottling up every doubt and negative thought and feeling inside of me. They already had to deal with the shit I put myself in by letting Lenny back into my life after he hit me the first time. It wasn’t fair to put this on them. That’s why I won’t bother them with my inner struggle.

Jordan pulled into a parking lot in front of the house and Jules and Leo quickly jumped out of the car. I slowly exited it, too, and walked up to the front door. Suddenly I felt a hand on my healthy arm pulling me slightly backwards.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Jordan looked down at me expressionless.

“Sure.” I fully faced him but he still held my arm.

“Have you thought about it? Telling your parents I mean.” I tensed. Somehow I knew he wouldn’t drop the subject just like that. He starred back at me, probably expecting me to give in.

“I did.” His lips curled into a small smile, “But I haven’t changed my mind.” And there it left his face again.

“Why? Katie, I know it’s hard for you but I really think you should tell them. I can see how you feel about going into that flat again…” I rudely cut him off by yanking free my arm from his still gentle grip.

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