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"Are you sure?" I ask cautiously.

"I am sure." She looks me in the eyes.

"Ok." I sigh.

Being 18 is fun. Except for when you have depression and your best friend is a 15 year old maniac. That's my problem.

Hi, I'm Ashton Irwin. I am 18 years old. I do have depression. I have attempted suicide but failed, sadly.

Right now the maniac had convinced me to sneak into her ex's house and spray paint an A for her name on his door. Her name was very close to mine. Meet Maniac Ashlyn! American who moved to Australia and has no control.

"Give me a boost!" She whispers reaching towards his window. I grab her by the waist and lift her a few inches higher. "Good job!" She says opening his window. She sneaks in like a ninja and reached down to help me up. Her long brown hair falls all around her face as she looks down at me with big blue eyes.

"Are you coming?!" She asks. I roll my eyes and reach up so she can help me. She was a pretty strong 15 year old considering I barely had to do anything before I was inside the house.

She walks over to the bed and looks down at the boy she'd broken up with today. She pulls out hair dye and u look at it closely. I thought she got black to remove his blondness.

But no.... She got hot pink dye.

She giggles evilly while spreading it through his hair. I sneak off with spray paint and put a big red A on the inside of his closet door.

"Done!" I whisper in her ear.

"Same." She responds looking proudly at the mess she made. She pulled off the rubber gloves and put them in the trash.

Suddenly she pulls a huge bottle out of her bag. She opens it and poured it every wear. I recognized the scent of beer. She puts the rest of the bottle in his hand and glued it there.

"That's taking it too far!" I whisper.

We hear a women's voice call down the empty and silent halls. "Ed? Are you asleep? What's that whispering?" We look at each other and she nods. I jump out the window and she does the same.

When we hit the ground he hear shouting. "ED! IS THAT A BEER?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!" The women shouts. We look at each other and giggle.

"I left another surprise!" She whispers. My eyes widen as she tells me that she left a pair of black lace under wear and a bra on his floor.


"WHO DO THESE BELONG TO?!" She shouts.

"Let's go!" Ashlyn whisper in my ear. I nod and we sprint across the yard. We continue to sprint until we reach my house. We run inside and fall on the couch next to my roommate, Matty.

"Well, well, well what did ya do tonight?" Matty asks looking at us as we try to catch our breath.

"Ughhhhh!" I groan. Without a word I head up to my room and fall onto my bed. No more adventures tonight. I decide. I close my eyes and fall farther into the pillow.

"Goodnight Ash!" That maniac screams jumping on my bed. She runs to my window and waves before jumping. I don't even bother to check. I just lay there wondering what happened to make this girl to interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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