chapter 25

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Luke's Pov:

We found out a week ago that we are having twins, i am so excited but that means we need to find out arrangements so maybe ill talk to management about  canceling the rest of the tour when she is into her 7th month! we will just have to make sure we take her on stage tonight so that we can tell our fans all the news, they know we are married just not well, expecting 2 little ones, i just hope tonight is a good night, cause the last few days have been amazing, her sickness consists to morning usually but she isnt even at the worst stage yet so we will see, crossing my fingers! we have another appointment on the 5th of next month an this is February, so the babies should be here sometime in july, which is really cool cause mine an natalie's birthdays are in july so for the whole families birthdays to be in july would be so cool! " Luke? are you okay?" Natalie asked, " Yeah, i'm good just thinking, how are you feeling?" i asked curiously, " i'm feeling good, ive only gotten sick a couple times today so fingers crossed that its okay for the rest of the day"  she said snuggling with me, " well, what about baby names? have you thought of any?" i asked curiously, " yeah, a few" she said smiling " like what?" i asked curiously, " well, i think for the girl Aisha and for the boy we can name him after his amazing father, luke jr." she said smiling, " i love them! i think we have our baby names!" i said smiling, " really!? omg yay!!!" she said kissing me, boy how i love her kisses

I am so happy that we have baby names! thats amazing how we have them so soon, but i guess its a good thing,  i love the name Aisha an the fact that she wants to name our son after me is so amazing! i love those names an maybe she will let me pick the middle names an last names, ill ask her, " so babe! since you picked out the names, i was wondering if i can pick their middle an last names! if its okay?" i whispered in her ear, " of course, you are the father so go ahead an just tell me what you picked out" she said smiling, " okay, thats great" i said smiling, " yup, i'm gonna go take a nap before your concert tonight, think about the names an i'll check in when i wake up" she said kissing me an  then walking off to the bunks, i should start thinking, i grab paper an a pencil an start writing down possible middle an last names, this might take a little while.


i've been sitting here for two hours trying to pick names an i think i've finally done it, i just hope Natalie likes them, cause i really do! she got up 5 minutes ago an she's in the bathroom getting ready for the show, i got ready an hour ago so i could work on this,  the show is in half an hour an i think we are gonna bring her on after the first show cause i already talked to management about it an they said we can bring her on at any time! so after the first song is as good as any!, " okay luke! i'm ready to go but we need to get me some maternity clothes cause this shirt just fits me soo...." she said zipping up the hoodie she borrowed from me, " okay, well he have 15 minutes till we leave so i'll tell you the names i came up with now, " okay, im excited" she said, " okay so i was thinking Aisha star montegomery hemmings, and then Luke jr. montegomery hemmings, what do you think?" i asked excitedly, " i love them! they are perfect, cant wait for the little ones to be out of my stomach an in our arms!" she said an that made me smile! cant wait to tell the fans!

when we got to the building an walked into the dressing room, the boys were already there waiting, when natalie walked in they smiled an each gave her a hug an a kiss on the cheek, i know the boys love her but they love her as a sister, an thats amazing cause the boys are pretty much my brothers so she is pretty much their sister in law, but anyway! "there's 10 minutes till show time! Nat, you feeling good?" Cal asked nervously, " yeah, i feel great!" she said smiling, an thats just what i wanted to hear, i am so happy she's feeling good, " okay great! we will do the signal after the first song, when you hear luke say were really excited to be here! you walk out an he will pretend he doesn't know an then you will "scare" him okay, an then we will all go from there! okay?" Michael said nervously, " yes i got it! you guys go! if anyone should be nervous its me an luke, now go play that song! ill be off the side! lets all get out of this dressing room" she said hurriedly an like that us boys were on stage playing voodoo doll, it felt amazing, i just want it to be over so natalie can come out on stage! thats what im excited for!

Natalie's Pov:

I am so Siked to be going out on stage! this is awesome!!!, oh wait! the song is over " okay! well i'm glad you guys loved it!!" micheal said into the mic, " yeah, we are really excited! to be here" he said, that was my cue, i started walking on stage an the fans were roaring! i put my finger up to my lips to tell them it was a secret, once i was behind luke, he was still talking, " this is just awesome preforming an if we didnt have you guys we would probably be lost so thank you an we love you guys, i decided to grab cal's mic, " well luke! what about me huh!? i thought you loved me too!" i said, his eyes went wide an stood there " frozen" in silence, " uh- umm, i do! i love you so much, so i married you!" he said smiling an hugging me, the whole crowd awe'd at us, " well, since your here natalie! don't you an luke have something you wanted to tell the fans?" Ashton asked smiling, " oh! yeah! you ready luke?" i asked curiously, " yeah, so you guys! this is big news an i think maybe we should show you instead! Natalie go ahead!" he said smiling an turning his head toward me, i unzip the sweater im wearing an turn to the side showing the crowd my stomach! i start rubbing it an the crowd roared! were they happy or mad? i couldn't tell

when the crowd settled they asked if a fan wanted on stage, they all raised their hands, " well, Natalie! why don't you pick one! you have never done it, an then the fans can also ask you questions later if you don't mind an your feeling up to it!" luke said smiling!, " yeah of course, okay! let me think! you, the one in the front row, with the i love you sign, yup! come on up" i said smiling, she screamed an then went to the stage stairs, " hi, welcome on stage! whats your name?" i asked, " Natasha! Natasha micheals" she said smiling, i could tell she was nervous so i walked her over to each of the boys so she could meet them an hug them!, " okay, natasha! do you have any questions for natalie or me?" luke asked curiously, " Uh yeah! do you know the gender?" she asked smiling, " uh yeah! actually we are having twins guys, we are having 1 boy 1 girl" i said excitedly, " oh wow! that's gonna be a handful huh?" Natasha asked, " yeah, but we will make it work!" i said smiling, " okay! thank you natasha for coming on stage with us! it was an honor" luke said smiling an giving her one last hug, " no prob, thanks for picking me natalie!" she said,  " no problem, well looks like you boys should finish your show, so ill let you do that! ill be back out later" i said, an at that i kissed luke, waved to the boys an the fans an left the stage.

An hour went by an the boys called me back on stage, i walk out an sit on Luke's stool, " hey guys, so does anyone have any questions for me or any of the boys?" i asked, " how about you! in the front! blue hair an black dress!" luke said crouching down to give her the mic, " uh, is it okay if i have 2 questions?" she asked sweetly, " yes, of course" i said smiling, " okay, well first! do you guys have baby names picked out?" she asked excitedly, " yes we do, the boy is gonna be luke montegomery hemmings jr." luke said smiling, " an the girl is gonna be Aisha Star Montegomery Hemmings" i said smiling, " oh wow, those are great names!" she said smiling, " thank you an your second question?" i asked curiously, " well, i was wondering if you could sing a song for us? cause the boys said you can sing an stuff!" she said with a twinkle in her eyes, " uh! i guess so, what song do you want me to sing?" i asked giggling, " umm, we all want you to sing close as strangers i'm pretty sure, luke said he hears you sing it in the shower an it sounds amazing" she said smiling, " he did, did he?" i asked looking at him, there was a smirk spread across his face, " okay then! lets do this shall we!" i said an then got the boys to start the beat, i sang the song an the fans actually liked it, but at the end, i felt this sharp pain an fell to the stage floor in pain, what was this? what was going on?, " SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" luke yelled from beside me, i had erupted in tears an my nausea had kicked in, what happened, an then it all went black.

sorry for the cliff hanger but it continues on the next chapter!!! hope you loved it!!! byeeee!!!!  

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