chapter 13

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2 years later!!!

Natalie's pov:

i cant believe me an luke have been together 3 years! we are out of school an decided that we dont want to go to collage because him an his band are gonna be going on tour so i'll be going with them since me an luke are together an all, we lasted so long an im still so happy! he makes me really happy! an i just cant wait to go on tour with them, its gonna be so amazing.

" Natalie babe, can you come here a sec" luke says from the living room, " sure, i'll be right in" i said, i walked in an him an the boys were sitting down on the couch smiling their big sweet smiles, " okay, so i just want the boys to be here when i tell you this okay" he said smiling an standing up, " okay, go ahead, im listening" i said smiling , " okay, well Natalie rose Montgomery, you make me so happy,  these last 3 years have been amazing an i just love you half to death, you are beautiful, i love your big blue eyes an the little twinkle you get in them when you get excited or when your smiling, an i couldn't imagine my life without you, so would you make me the happiest man alive....." he said getting down on one knee, he takes a small box out of his pocket! OMG! luke is proposing! i cant believe it, this is so awesome, luke robert hemmings is proposing to me!, " an marry me?" he said opening the box to reveal a huge beautiful engagement ring, " Of course, yes yes yes, i will marry you" i said letting him slide the ring on my finger, he gets up an hugs me an gives me a huge kiss, i of course kiss him back,  an i am soon to be mrs. Natalie Montgomery Hemmings.

i have to text Alyssa, she needs to know!



IM......ENGAGED!!! TO!!!! LUKE!!!!~nat



yeah, me either, ill see you tomorrow soon to be Mrs.Hemmings!~aly

Lol! yeah, see ya soon, xoxo~ nat

an then i slipped my phone in my back pocket! i am so excited! this is gonna be awesome! i cant believe i am engaged to Luke hemmings! this is so amazing an just when i thought things couldn't get any better! but he always seems to surprise me when i least expect it an thats probably what i love most about him, he always leaves me guessing an i love it but i also love his big blue eyes an his lip ring an his hair quiff! it all just fits him an i love him because he loves me an we love each other for who we are! i just cant wait to go shopping with Alyssa tomorrow, its gonna be so much fun an i cant wait to tell her everything luke said!

(a/n: sorry for the short chapter guys but i still hope you like it, what do you think about how luke proposed to her? tell me in the comments! thanks~syrah)

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