Fireflies (Song Fiction)

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Another summer night.

Another night where I can't find myself to go asleep.

I'm so tired, but when I close my eyes it doesn't work. I thought the sleep pills were suppose to help me with my insomnia! Never trust those doctors; they only want your money. 

I check the time on my phone and the numbers read two o'clock in the morning. I take the closest pillow and throw it on the ground in frustration. I pick it right back up after I throw it. I need that thing to help me go asleep. 

I can't keep staying up like this. Sleep is a natural function that your body needs to operate!

I don't ever remember having sleeping problems when I was younger. They tell me it might be because of so much stress. Highschool would be the reason why I'm so stressed out. 

My room is dark, pitch black to be exact. I can't see anything. If I keep the lights on I would be too distracted. I only stare at the black ceiling above me. It's so dull and boring. 

My mind swarms with thoughts. How come I always use my imagination when I'm trying to turn it off? Everyone says to start counting sheep when you can't get to sleep. I don't think it will really help, but it's worth a shot.

I try to picture sheep jumping over a white picket fence. I count them off as each jumps over with a big leap.


Once I count to one hundred and still see I'm not asleep, I give up.

It's no use. I can never get to sleep. Why do I even try?

I turn on my little light that sits on my nightstand beside me. The room has a dimly lit glow to it. My eyes adjust to the light, and I can start to see familiar objects in my room. Over to the right sits my dresser with the mirror. To the left is my light blue wall. 

I toss and turn in my twin sized bed. I am getting no where close to falling asleep. I need to shut my mind off but that's impossible to do. 

I give up insomnia! You won this round!

All the tossing and turning makes my forehead damp. I feel like I'm in a sauna. My body is boiling with heat. I need to cool down my hot and stuffy room. It's just far too uncomfortable to go asleep in this condition. 

I hop out of my bed and walk my way over to the window that's placed on the wall in front of my bed. I open up the window and let the cool summer breeze fill my room.

"Ahh..." I sigh in content.

Finally, some cool and fresh air!

I hang my head out of the window for a while. The light wind blows through my hair. It's soft breeze tickles my neck.

While I have my head hanging out of the window I notice a flower box. I never noticed a flower box there before. In the flower box there are daisies. They're such a cute flower.

Without hesitation I pick a daisy out of the flower box. I stick my head back in the room and stare at the daisy. I reach for one pure white petal and pluck it off. 

"He loves me.." I pluck off another. "He loves me not..."

I continue to pluck off the petals until one remains left.

"He loves me not..." I mumble, sitting what's left of the flower down.

I'm so desperate that I give in to playing such a silly game. I can't believe people would always do that in the olden days. Did they really believe a flower determined whether a boy liked them or not?

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