Chapter 24 : The Unexpected

Start from the beginning

The hous-mansion seemed much more spectacular in the daylight.

I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to the front door. Pressing the button on it I waited for someone to get the door.

My brows knitted in confusion when no one came.

I pressed it once again.

The door was flung open and it revealed Mrs. Parker.

Marie held a solemn look onto her face and she did something I knew all to well to do, force a smile.

"Hello Carrie! What has brought you here today?" She chirped and I shifted.

"Oh. I came to give your son this assignment he's supposed to turn in tomorrow. Is he here?"

She chewed on the side of her mouth at my question and a nervous expression overtook her face. She seemed to realize what she was doing and stopped.

"Yes, I'll give it to him for you." She outstretched her hands to take the paper I held in my mind.

I gave her and decided there was no other reason to be here so I gave her a small smile and turned to leave which she returned before slamming the door shut behind her.

What was that about?

I shook my head and continued stepping down the stairs but froze as I heard my name being shouted.

"Carrie!" I swirled around to see Marie standing there breathing heavily.


"I think it would be better for you to give him it yourself." She cut me off. I was puzzled.

"Why would-"

"I'm awfully busy and I have somewhere to be in about five minutes, can you give him it and keep an eye on him?" She said casually but there was something behind it.

I chuckled fakely. "Me? Babysit Alex?"

She scowled playfully, well, at least tried to. "Don't think of it as babysitting, just please keep an eye on him. You know how Alex can be." She waved.

I thought she'd continue but she just stood there awaiting my answer. I sighed internally.

"I'd be happy to babysit Alex Mrs. Parker." She smiled broadly walking past me after giving me a side hug which happened so quickly that I hardly reacted.

"And it's not babysitting dear! I won't be long!" She shouted behind her as she got into a red car which I guessed was hers.

I entered the mansion and sucked in a sharp breath.

It was more elegant and wealthy looking as the sun shone in on everything my eyes ran over. The place looked well polished and exceptionally immaculate.

I tried not to be distracted as I made my way up the flight of familiar stairs. My shoes made a sound as they hit the marble tile.

I made my way to Alex's bedroom but slowed down as I heard the faint sound of keys being pressed onto. Before I acknowledged my actions I was already walking in the direction of it.

My hand went out and pushed the broad doors that I found around the winding corner away from Alex's room.

No sound was made as the doors opened. I peaked inside and there I saw him.

Alex sat behind the grand piano his hands moving. He was dressed in full black and yet he still managed to resemble an angel.

I shuffled closer.

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