Chaper 9 - speeches

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I felt the sun before it even touched my face. All the heat radiating through the window was making my head spin. I still needed to adjust to the sudden temperature change. Going from freezing cold mornings to scorching hot ones wasn't something I was use to. I rubbed a sloppy hand over my face in attempt to wake myself up because laying here telling myself to wake up, obviously wasn't working.

"Two hours and thirty five minutes, twenty three seconds" I heard a voice which caught me off guard. I quickly turned to face Jakob who was standing beside the bed with a stop watch in hand.  He had a smug grin plastered on his lips whilst those green orbs went on a little adventure around my body.

"That's a record actually" Another familiar voice rang from the opposite end of my bed. I turned around to see an amused Wesley. He was chewing on an apple and when our gazes met he gave me a wink.

"What're you guys doing in here! And what're you talking about?!" I asked... More like yelled at the two gentlemen. No more then a slight chuckle left both their mouths. They stared at each other for a brief moment before the attention came back to me.

"A business man is never late. We were timing you to see how long it would take you to realise you've over slept" Wesley said while Jakob stood back and nodded in agreement to his statement. He took another bite of his Apple and walked over to the bed where he planted his ass to it.

"You stood there for two hours?" I stared at them in disbelief. If they've been watching me for two hours then they have probably witnessed me embarrassing myself in my sleep. I blush crept from my neck all the way to my cheeks, where I felt the need to cover my face with the sheets.

"Don't be silly Elliot " Jakob said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and realised he was sending warm smiles my way which eased up my mood just a tad. I sighed and dropped the blankets in relief.

"We've been watching you for two hours and thirty seven minutes" Jakob spoke once more, only this time his words made my stomach explode with millions of butterflies. Wesley noticed the state I was in and let a deep chuckle leave his mouth. He finished up on his Apple and stood to his feet again.

"Get dressed in something chic. We have a date with our business" Wesley said. Jakob nodded his head and let go of my shoulder. Both men made their way out of the room with confident strides. I gulped and shrank to a pulp. Business. . . I was beginning to hate that word the more I heard it.

I went over my usual morning routine; Shower, freshen up, then fix my platinum blond flow. I managed to get dressed into a pair of plain black slacks and a dress shirt before slowly making my way down the narrow hall and into the main living space. Wesley and Jakob were seated on the white leather couch together, drinking coffee. I headed towards the kitchen to see if I could find anything edible to fuel me for the day.

"Forty five minutes and fifty two seconds" Jakob said and pressed hard on the small plastic stop watch. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes at the two seated a few meters away from me. Wesley sighed and stood up from his seat, taking his time as he walked over to me.

"A business man never takes longer then half an hour to get ready... Time is money" He said and shook his head disapprovingly at me. Jakob closed his laptop and shoved it into a brief case.

The two gentlemen were dressed very elegantly. Jakob's look today almost mimicked the same one he had when we first met. His dark blue slacks and white dress shirt fitted him perfectly. His sleeves were slightly rolled up which looked oddly attractive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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