Chapter 8. Hopped off the plane at LAX

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It was hot, really hot. Los Angeles weather left quite a good first impression. I loosened the black tie around my neck and undid the first few buttons on my shirt, as I let my skin soak in the feel of the cool summer breeze. It amazed me how it was night time and the sun still managed to leave a mark of its heat behind.

Everyone received a small paper which contained our timetables, where we needed to be and when. A majority of us were split up into different hotels for the duration of this trip, we were to share a room with one other intern... Three if you were lucky.
I quickly went over the sentences typed out on the paper in front of me. I took a quick look in the section that would let me know which hotel I'd been assigned to. It was scribbled out in a fine blue pen which left me puzzled.

"Which hotel did you get?" I asked Theo who looked just as confused as I was, while his eyes roamed the crumpled up piece of paper in his palm.

"Four seasons... It says here I have to share a room with Cody" A frustrated sigh left Theo's mouth. As I can recall, Cody was the kid that everyone tried to avoid. He looked like an innocent soul but as soon as you begin talking to him, he unleashed his inner "demons" He was crazy and weird in any way possible. Which would explain Theo's frustration.

"You're just full of luck aren't you?" I said and let out a sarcastic laugh "well I don't even know where I'm supposed to go tonight... Look" I showed Theo my timetable. He read back and forth and shrugged his shoulders at me.

" I don't know, man. All I know is I'd rather spend a night out on the streets rather then spend time with Cody" ungrateful boy, Theo was. I shook my head at the smaller blond.

I looked around to see if I could see Hartley, I needed to know what was up with my timetable being messed with. The airport was swarmed with tourists and locals which made my hunt for Hartley even more difficult. I pushed passed a few people as I made my way back inside the air conditioned building.

" Hey Eli!" I turned around to find the voice. " my rides here. See you tomorrow ?" Theo loaded his bags into the vehicle. I smiled and nodded at him, sending a wave his way. He returned the gesture and stepped into the car, along side his Intern Buddy.

My search for Hartley became more tiring with each step I took. My body certainly wasn't cut out for physical activity and the fact that I just conquered a twenty five hour plane ride, didn't make it any better. Every moment that passed by, worry swept over my body. It seemed like every few minutes, more interns would disappear into a car and panic would increase within me. None of this would be happening if some idiot didn't scribble out the most important part of my timetable.

I decided to just take a seat on the nearest bench and try to pick out letters beneath the blue scribbles. I could see a b and a few a's but no names of hotels were coming to mind. My frustration reached its peaks and I scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it as far as I could. I would probably regret it later but no words could possibly describe the anger that was flooding my body.

" you know, you might need that paper later" I was so mad I didn't even realise how familiar that voice sounded. I quickly turned my gaze from the concrete to the culprit of the voice.


" you!" I pointed an accusing finger at him. " you left me! Do you know how hard it was conquering the past few days without a mentor!" I stood face to face with Jakob and waited impatiently for his excuse.

" you know a hello would be nice, but I guess that works too" Jakob pushed my hand out of the way and walked over to the scrunched up paper that was on the ground. He picked it up and walked back over to me. I reached out and waited for him to place the ball into my hand.

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