Chapter 9

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Abby's POV

I guess when one of my dad's arms was around my shoulder, it repositioned my hair.

"What's that." He growled, closing the distance between us in two long strides, standing so close that my nose was smushed against his shoulder. I took a deep breath, and took in his scent of spice and...something sweeter. A little like honey. But it was also mixed with my dad's sweat and blood, that having been the side he was carrying my dad on, and I crinkled my nose in disgust. He gingerly brought a hand to the back of my head and prodded it gently, moving the hair out of the way this time. I winced.

He pulled it away, and his fingers were red.

"This," he said darkly, "is nothing?"

"I can just wrap a bandage around it. I'll live." I said softly, stepping back and walking to my room. But he caught my wrist and pulled me into him again, hugging me tightly. He kissed the top of my head, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Promise me." He whispered.

"Promise you what?"

He pulled away a bit so he could glare at me, his green eyes piercing into mine.

"That you won't fucking downgrade the severity of your injuries, Abs! If you have a bloody head, tell me you have a bloody head!" His eyes melted and his face looked sad - sadder than I'd ever seen it. "I can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong, darling. You have to tell me what's wrong..."

He pulled me back into his chest, and stroked my hair, being cautious of the gash, though. I wanted to laugh of joy - because I finally found someone who would love me, who would protect me. Add that to the fact that he called me darling and I could be squealing and jumping up and down right now.

But I wasn't.

Into his chest I mumbled, "I promise."

"Oh, no, no, no. You have to promise promise." Austin smirked.

I laughed, but threw my head back and groaned at the same time.

"So much effort. Fine," I breathed. "Let me go find some ribbon."

We walked into my room, and I looked at myself in the mirror. I did a double-take.

"Dear god," I groaned. "Let me shower first, okay Austin? You can shower afterwards. Just...sit tight. Or - no. Look for some ribbon. There should be some in my room."

I grabbed light wash shorts, a high-low white tank top, and a purple cardigan with wooden buttons. I quickly showered, easing the dry blood out of my hair easily, knowing how to do it quickly and thoroughly now, having had lots of practice.

I finished showering, hopped into my towel, and grabbed the first aid kit. I pulled most of my hair away from the little puncture in my head and put a small pad of cotton on it, and then secured it in place with tape. I let my hair fall back over it, and you couldn't even tell there was a bandage there.

I put on my clothes, blow-dried my hair, and then walked out of the bathroom, the steam escaping in swirls behind me.

Austin was laying on my bed playing with a light pink ribbon.

"All yours." I said, tossing a towel to Austin. He caught it and pecked me on the lips on the way to the bathroom.

I grabbed the ribbon he had found and dug through my drawers for a Sharpie. I found a blue one and on the ribbon I wrote, 'I promise to tell A about all of my injuries-' I flipped it to the other side of the ribbon. 'and to never downgrade them so he can protect me. -A.'

Abused {ACM}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora