"I do"

She watched me closely. "Is something wrong?"


"are you sure?" She demanded. "because your acting funny"

"I'm not acting"

She poked her tongue out at me and made a funny face at me. "Come on Jasper" She pouted. "you cant lie to me"

I watched her closely with my head cocked slightly.

"Come on Jasper" she poked my nose. "tell me"


"I demand you tell me or I will fall" she inched to the edge.

"Come on don't do that" I got to my knees quickly my eyes locked on her. "Come here"

"no tell me" She grinned at me. "please? Will you really make me fall?" she raised a brow at me and gulped as she glanced down.

"Damn it yes, please come here" I offered my hand.

"okay" she went to take my hand but suddenly she slipped off the edge and I lunged forward my chest hitting the branch and I caught her by her wrist just barley.

"Are you okay"

She nodded with a scared little look. "I fell" she whispered.

I nodded. "you fell"

"And you caught me"  she whispered in that soft voice it was meek and held how shocked she was in her tone.

"I did" I chuckled and pulled her up and into my arms. She was shaking like a leaf clinging to my shirt.

"you still have to tell me"  she stayed with a nervous little laugh.

"Did you fake that" I demanded with wide eyes.

"I didn't mean to slip" she whispered. "I didn't think I was that close"

Chuckling I helped pull her up and held her to me. "Your okay" I whispered running my hand down her back I held her closely letting her calm down.

"Can we get down now?" She peeked at me.

"Okay" I let her go. "you stay right here I will get down first"

She blinked and inched closer to the tree.

"Then you will jump just like you did when you jumped from the rock" she nodded quickly as I got down easily and checked at her. "are you ready?"

Nodding she inched closer and let herself slip down and into my arms. "you got me"

"Told you I wouldn't let you get hurt"

"thank you Jasper"

"Hey Hermione?" I asked as I let her down and stepped back.

"What is it?"

"I-" I went to say something but shook my head. "Forget it"

"you still owe me Butterbeer"

Blinking I smiled softly at her. "Yea I do don't I?"

She nodded. "I wouldn't forget"

Rolling my eyes I remembered Harry saying how she loved two kinds of drinks. Butterbeer and earl grey tea.

"I'll take a rain check though because me and Draco have to finish with the well its a surprise" She glanced away. "I'll hopefully see you at dinner" She looked at me again.

"O? You didn't show last night"

"And I am sorry for that me and Draco where trying to get the most work done the first day" I she answered softly.

In the Den of Snakes * Harry Potter Fanfic *Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora