Dear Diary (Larry)

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Dear Diary,

I don’t even know where to start. I don’t know what happened last night. But I want to write everything down now, because I never want to forget what happened. I was feeling pretty bad; it must have shown on my face. Louis noticed. He always did. He asked me if I was alright and I said yes. He knew I was lying. I can’t lie to save my life. He looked at me for a moment before grabbing my hand and saying “come on”. We walked to an old trail that no one ever uses anymore. Louis seemed to know it pretty well. We walked for a while, in silence at first. Louis had known something was on my mind and I knew he was being quiet so I could get my thoughts together. I had been so caught up in my mind that I hadn’t realized we were no longer on the trail; we were walking through the forest. I nearly tripped over a tree root as I asked Louis where we were going. He just kept on walking and said “you’ll see”. We walked for a few more minutes, the only sound was tree branches and leaves crunching beneath our feet. We had finally come to a clearing that led to a cute little meadow. There were flowers and plush green grass everywhere. The sun was shining so brightly it threw me off guard. It had been kind of dark in the woods because of all of the trees. Louis walked to the edge of the meadow, where there was a perfect little creek hidden away. The sunlight reflected off of the water, making the rocks at the bottom look like a thousand sparkling diamonds. It was so peaceful. He had kicked off his shoes and dipped his toes in and motioned for me to sit next to him. So I took off my white Converse and put them next to his white Toms and sat beside him, letting my feet sink in with his. I didn’t know what to say. I was too afraid to tell him what was on my mind. Which is why I had been so caught off guard when he said “You know you can tell me anything, right?” I just looked at him for a minute, trying to figure out what to do. “I.. I don’t know how to say it” I had said, looking down at the glistening water. “Look at me” Louis had said softly. “Please.” I looked up and met his eyes. Those beautiful blue-green eyes had reflected the conflicting feelings that were troubling me. “Just say it, Hazza. Exactly how you’re thinking it. I hate seeing you like this. I’m not going to judge you, ever.” I searched his eyes for any trace of sarcasm, but I only saw understanding and compassion staring back at me. “It’s going to sound stupid” I said after sucking in a deep breath. “I like someone. Someone I shouldn’t like, who would never feel that way about me. I like that person a lot, but I know if I tell them, it could ruin our friendship, and I’m too afraid to risk that, because I think I would be lost without that person.” I couldn’t look Louis in the eyes this time. Louis had asked me why I thought this person wouldn’t like me. I hesitated for a moment before telling him that this person had a girlfriend. He sat there quietly, looking at the trees, making me nervous that I had given it away. My stomach was tied up in nervous knots; I was certain he had known, now. I mean, why else wouldn’t he say anything? I felt like I was going to cry when all of a sudden he said “No. He doesn’t have a girlfriend. He broke up with her this morning.” And then, just like that, he leaned over and kissed me. My head started spinning and my stomach was flipping but all I could focus on were his soft lips against mine. He pulled away slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. “How did you know?” I asked, my voice a lot more shaky than I expected. He didn’t hesitate at all as he simply said “Because, I love you.” My eyes must have nearly popped out of my head because he chuckled softly before pulling me to his side and wrapping his arm around me. He kissed my temple before continuing. “You’re my best friend, Haz. I know when something is bothering you. I could see how upset you were when I would talk to Hannah. I also knew that you could tell I wasn’t in love with her. And then I heard you last night. You said my name a few times. I thought you were awake, trying to get my attention. But then I realized you were asleep. I had asked you what you wanted, and you just sighed and said my name again. And I just, knew. I knew you felt the same way I did. So I called Hannah this morning. She wasn’t happy, but I think she knew it was coming.” He paused for a minute to look at me, to see my reaction. I must have looked slightly stunned, because he kissed me lightly on the lips before he carried on. “I knew we had to talk about it. And when I came to find you and saw you looking upset, I figured it was a perfect time to figure things out.” I just stared at him, not sure what to do. “Well, say something. Please” he said, looking off into the distance. I sat up a little and looked him the eyes before opening my mouth to speak. “I love you, too Louis” was all I could get out. We didn’t talk much after that. We kissed a lot, both relieved to finally have said what we had known for a while. Louis had found a rock in the creek that looked like a perfect heart. I saw one that was so oddly colored, it looked like it had blue stripes painted on it. He placed the heart-shaped stone in my hand and wrapped my fingers around it. He told me to keep that rock forever, so that no matter what happened, I would never forget today. I gave him the striped rock and kissed his cheek and told him that the rock symbolized my love for him. He squeezed it before laying us down in the grass so we could watch the sun set. He ran his fingers through my hair while I hummed quietly. Once the sky was nearly dark, we got up and decided to go back home. I was kind of afraid we were going to get lost in the forest, but I trusted that Louis would get us home. Within minutes, we were back at our place. We both showered quickly and got ready for bed, knowing we had to be up early the next day. Louis locked our bedroom door before crawling into bed while I turned off the light. I went to go lay down when Louis suddenly asked where I was going. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness enough to see that he wanted me to get into bed next to him. So I did. Our bodies had fit together so perfectly, like puzzle pieces. He draped his arm over my waist before resting his head in the crook of my neck. He kissed my shoulder and said “I love you, Hazza.” “I love you, too, Boobear” I said, still holding the heart shaped rock in the palm of my hand.

Harry xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2013 ⏰

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