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I arrive just in time for the bus to pull up to the stop and for me to get on.

I sat in my normal spot, at the back in the corner and shoved my earphones in my ears. Some chart songs started playing started playing and I felt my mood lift. Music defiantly makes me happy.

After five minutes, I felt someone sit next to me. I look over to see the dark brown- nearly black- hair, the lip ring, the tattoos and the thick eyebrows, just like mine.

"Cody." I smile and he kisses my forehead.

"How are you baby?" He asks.

"Alright, how about you?" I ask as he takes my hand.

"Great, especially as I'm here with you."

I feel my cheeks blush a little, although I'm not the one to blush. I'm not into soppy romance and love, or Netflix with 'bæ' or any of that crap. Although I do love Cody. At least I think I do.

Cody is my first boyfriend. By that I mean proper boyfriend. You know when you were eleven you used to go out with people for only two days, never talk and dump each other afterwards. I had a few of those. But Cody is my first real boyfriend. And I'm pretty sure I love him, although I'm not sure whether the feeling I have is love.

Cody takes out his phone and scrolls through it, and I watch him absent-mindedly.

"Why are you watching me?" His voice is deep and questioning.

"No reason, just daydreaming." I tell him. He frowns and goes back to his phone.

We arrive at school, and I see my best friend Anya waiting for me like usual. Cody and I step off the bus and he says goodbye.

"See you at lunch!" I call after him, as he joins his friends. He raises a thumbs up without looking.

I sigh and turn to Anya, who's dark skin and hair were looking extra hydrated. "What DIY masks have you used this time?" I laugh.

She's always looking up homemade face packs and hair masks. Tumblr or not, she's always at it.

Anya and I are complete opposites, yet it's funny how well we get on. She likes pink and floral and dresses. I defiantly do not. She likes One Direction, The Vamps, 5 Seconds Of Summer. Again, I defiantly do not.

"But they're all so hot!" She gushes, giggling.

"They're all so gay." I mumble.

"They are not!" She crosses her arms. "As a matter of fact, they've mostly all been in previous relationships with girls. And so what if they're gay anyway?" She gets very defensive.

"Nothing, just saying." I shrug.

She huffs and starts going on a tangent about hair care and stuff I don't care about. I just pretend like I'm listening, and nod and shrug and different points.


"Oh! Guess what?"  Anya suddenly exclaims as we walk to Health and Social.

"What." I say back.

"5sos are in London this weekend. They're coming in from Australia. I'm thinking of going to the airport to meet them."

"Well you can count me out." I tell her.

"Noooo..." She links her arm with mine. "I'm counting you in"

"I don't think so." I laugh.

"I do." She says flatly and seriously.

I look at her blank face. "You're not joking, are you?"

She shakes her head violently.

"No, no, no, no, no, no and let me think about this. NO." I say loudly.

"Oh but please! I wouldn't be allowed to go on my own and you'd only need to tag along." She whines.

I look her in the eyes for a few seconds "what's in it for me?"

"Erm. To meet 5sos." She smiles.

"Fun." I raise my eyebrows.

"Maybe you'll change your mind that they're 'gay' although they are defiantly not and there is nothing wrong with that anyway." Anya smiles hopefully.

"Fine." I give in. "Just this once though."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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