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dear ross,

i miss you. and even though i've been acting like a bitch in the past letters, i really, really do miss you.

my parents... they're thinking about sending me to a mental hospital. they say that my narcolepsy and depression should be treated professionally instead of using those useless pills. they also want me to lose my alcohol addiction.

when i heard them mumbling about it in their room, the first thing i wanted to do was drown myself in alcohol once again. but then, i thought about you and i didn't want to harm myself like that anymore.

so i opened your letter. and i read every single word you wrote in it. i was so shocked when i found out why you decided to kill yourself.

why didn't you just tell me?

love, laura.

99 days without you ⇴ rauraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin