The Day Before It Changed

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       I stepped outside of the dairy building. It was 5:45pm I had 3 minutes until the gates opened. I thanked the heavens that the building trapped the stench inside. 15 minutes before the shifts ended they would conceal all of the dairy cows and make the workers leave the building. They would release a fragrance that would get rid of all of the stench for in the cows. Than they would let the next workers in for their shift.

       I returned my face mask to the Sanitation Bin by the doors for cleaning. My black boots tapped the ground as I waited for 6:00. It was Tuesday so I was wearing, black skinny jeans, black boots laced all the way up. It was Autumn so dress codes slightly changed. As I was wearing white wool stockings under my boots. I also had on a crystal-azure pleather jacket over my all black turn-over-collar turtleneck. I was also wearing a black beanie which went with the black pleather gloves. It was slightly wind so I buried my neck in my silver-blue scarf.

       I have natural tan skin, accenting my caramel pale complexion, dark black eyes, and dark black hair. People always say I'm very tall for my age and I hate it, but it makes me look super skinny. I'm not ripped but I work out..... enough.... sometimes. Did I mention my name yet. My name is Ixin Prince I'm a 16 Hierachy and I'm a male.

        The gates to the Dairy Building opened ending my shift, dismissing all the workers for the day. It was 6:pm, I had 3 hours until Sleep Curfew. Once you go through the Genesis Ordinance all you remember is the knowledge you learned in school. You don't remember your family or your friends or where you once lived. However it seems I remember who my friends were. After the brain-wiping I recognized a boy by the name of Reis. Since everyone forgot everything people were desperate for friends so when I walked up to Reis 3 days ago on the Day of Prime, he immediately accepted my friendship.

     I walked towards the Nurturing Center where Reis worked. The Nurturing Center was a large, rounded, white building where the babies were cared for. I walked towards the door of the Nurturing Center and it opened for me. I waited for a good 10 minutes in the waiting room, outside of the day care. Reis worked inside the building but in a particular area of the building.

      "Hi Bozo", I laughed as Reis walked out of the Day-Care dressed in his clown suit.

      "Shut Up" he frowned. "Just let me change out of this".

      "Okay, calm down... you don't want to blow your nose off. Or anger squirt your water daisy".
     "Okay sorry, you look heated.... maybe have some saltzer".

     "Why am I your friend"

     "Okay I'll stop. Go get changed its already 6:17 we have to pick up Vail", I know I sound mean but I promise I'm a nice guy.

      Reis went to get changed. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. He walked out of the dressing room. He was wearing Tuesday which was, a dark red hoodie, black cargo jeans and tan hiking boots..... he was less fashionable. We walked out of the building and started to pick up Vail

     "I still can't believe you were interested in child entertaining, just 4 days ago" I stated.

    "If I was as a rank.... I must have forgotten. My jobs the worst. And you don't make it any better". He crossed his arms.

     "Try working with smelly cows. I know their amusing, but I can't believe I wanted this job less than a week ago. The brain-wiping really does a number on a person. And besides I'm not trying to torture you, laughing at a clown is the only fun I get all day. I'd like to see you trade places with me".

     We walked to the Aquatic Animal Rehabilitation Center, which was Vails career. Vail was waiting angrily at the post, her arms crossed. Vail had blonde hair, which curled around her tan face. She was wearing a black coat, purple skinny jeans and white converse. She walked up to us with a frown on her face.

     "What took you guys so long? I'm still having problems remembering! I almost forgot you losers". She hugged us, smiling. "So where to?".

      "We haven't had time to decide" I told her. "Bozo the clown here took forever getting out of work".

      "Not surprised" she said. We both laughed.

      "Fine since it's my fault I'll think of something.........................................................................................................................................." He thought for a while. "Let's just go down to Movies" he suggested.

     "Sounds good" we agreed. We walked down the road until we left our Precinct. I forgot to mention Qinia is divided into 3 sectors which were once North America, The UK, and Japan. They are than divided into Zones, which are are equivalent to States? I think they were called. Districts are equivalent to what were once referred to as cities, and now we have precincts which didn't exist before. They are the smallest classification of location.

     We went into the movie. It was about a group of friends who travelled from Sector 2, to 1, to 3 trying to escape from a crazy person trying to get revenge on them for something I doubt they did. It was scary because he kept calling them and ending up being in the same place as them trying to kill them. In the end of course the government saved the kids and punished the man, how every movie ends these days.

    "That was scary" Reis said sipping his soda.

    "Not really, I so expected that ending" I blurted out. "Why does everything have to revolve around the government saving us, we all know it's a lie. It's all Cognoscenti", cognoscenti is the proper term for the government.

    They were silent. "Wow they really did brain wash you" I said under my breath.

     "Yeah the Genesis Ordinance was 3 days ago" Vail force-laughed. "Well it's already 8:45 we should get back to Residence. Sleep curfew in 15".
H1pster's Notes
Wow I'm surprised you stuck with the book this long! Well your in luck because everything is about to change for the worse... or the best.... well whatever! it will be exciting. Stick around(≧∇≦)/ .

Sectors- Large locations of land that survived the Apocalypse
Sector 1- Continent of America
Sector 2- Country of The United Kingdom
Sector 3- Country of Japan
Cognoscenti- What the government refers to themselves as, and what ranks and hierarchy must call them.

Á plus Loves

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