Welcome To Qinia

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          (This is just a description of the future society we now live in, Qinia)

       My head has been pounding all day long,and they keep telling me it's only a matter of time. I grab a loaf of bread, wrap it in paper and stuff it in my drawstring backpack, knowing my shift ends in 3 minutes. In Qinia, people work for 6 hours a day and have 8 hours of down time, because we also have a 10 hour sleep curfew, to enhance working performance. These work schedules are not permanent they are changed at the New Age Cycle. In my case I work from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. The New Age Cycle is when you are assigned a new daily schedule and rarely a new career.

        Oh yeah did I mention we're working unpaid. We don't need money for food or clothes, because the Government pays for our meals. Certain people have the job as Food Delivery Service, and they deliver 3 meals a day. If you need new clothes you go on the home monitor and can request a new outfit everyday. At the beginning of the year on New Future Day everyone is assigned 7 outfits customized to fit your personality. You get one assigned to each day of the week and at the end of the day you turn it in to be collected and they will ship your next outfit.

         Three days ago was the Genesis Ordinance, which is the "brain washing" of every sixteen year old in Qinia(Kahn-I-ah). Worst day of prime ever! The day of prime is when a rank becomes one year older. When you are born you are kept with the government for a year and when you are 1 year old, on Day of Prime you are assigned to a family. Everyone who is assigned a family that day, are all in the same rank. So they all celebrate Day of Prime together, because we can't celebrate our day of birth... cause no one knows it but the government. Every single person in Qinia celebrates Day of Prime as our birthdays, it's like a holiday for us.
      Day of Prime, and the Gensis Ordinance both happen on New Future Day. We don't have a history class but the little bit I know about history is that there used to be a holiday called New Year's Day, well that's pretty much New Future Day for us. It is now 2144. When I was assigned a family 16 years ago in 2128 I was the Rank of 2144, which is the rank that graduates that year. On New Future Day first the babies are assigned families, then the new elite rank which are the 15 year olds are crowned as the highest rank, than The Day of Prime Celebration, where everyone celebrates their "birthday", than comes the brain-wiping of the old elites. They are then welcomed into the Hierarchy and are no longer labeled "ranks". We are then assigned a life career. My career was the Dairy Cow Consumption Regulator. I get to make sure all the cows eat properly.... yay me.

        A Hierarchy is anyone aged 16 and up. I am a new Hierarchy, being a Hierarchy is much more boring than being a "rank", but I am finally looked at as an adult...... which is not as fulfilling as I thought. 


H1pster's Notes;
So this is just the intro of the story... sorry if it was boring or confusing, but the real story starts next. --->

Day schedule
Work hours            | sleep curfew        |8 Hours of Free Time
12:00pm-6:00pm |9:00pm-7:00am | 6:00pm-9:00pm, 7:00am-12-pm
6:00pm-12:00am |1:00am-11:00am|11:00am-6:00pm, 12:00am-1:00am
12:00am-6:00am |6:00am-4:00pm |4:00pm-12:00am
6:00am-12:00pm |8:00pm-6:00am |12:00pm-8:00pm

(In case you don't understand certain things, I will have them down here)
New Words;
Qinia- Futuristic America, which was "renamed after the Societion War in 2087 which destroyed America. Therefore a Man named Kleiran Sicillian declared himself president of a new society. A society he named Qinia. People declared themselves Qinian because they had no where else to turn after America destroyed itself. In 2064 the world ended, nothing was left outside of North America, The UK, and Japan. When all society in the UK and Japan was destroyed there was nothing but the United States as a country. When people still living in the UK and in Japan heard America had later collapsed they believed Earth was slowly ending. When they got news that a new peaceful society named Qinia was forming in America and Canada, Japan wanted to become a part of it. Later The United Kingdom joined. Transporters were built to ensure quick travel over oceans, and the Qinian Society was formed" -a script from futuristic history books.
•Rank- Children aged 1-15
•Elite- Highest Rank, 15 year olds
•Hierarchy- People aged 16+
•Day of Prime- When 1 year old babies are assigned a family, Birthday Celebration for all people in Qinia
•New Future Day- New Year's Day, ex. 2015 turns into 2016
•The New Age Cycle- Workers are assigned a new work schedule, and may be given a new career
Genesis Ordinance- Mandatory Brainwashing of Elite
•Bread- Really you're still reading this?... I hope you know what bread is.

Á plus Love

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