Chapter One- The past

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Hello, my name is Lilac Moon Wolfe. I go by Lilac though. My adoptive mother (who i call my mom) her name was Lacey, and she was the best mom, like ever! But when i was 8, she got cancer and died. My dad Jake, was so depressed that he worked all the time, and never was home. 

I didn't get mad at him though, losing your mate makes you crazy, or thats at least what one of the maids told me. One day when i was 10 he brought home a lady named Caterina, and her two daughters- Taylor and Peony. My dad told me he was going to marry this lady and she would be my new mother.

Everything was great until the night of the wedding. Caterina had moved in and was very nice to me. That night after the wedding, i went in to my dads and Caterina's room to say goodnight. I had just stepped in to see Caterina stick a dagger in his heart. 

Me being 10 at the time, screamed and starting crying. Caterina told me she would kill me if i ever told anyone, so i never have, and that was my first mistake. As time went by i became more of a slave then a daughter to her, and soon i was. 

If i do something to insult her or her daughters she hits me, so she hits me a lot. Taylor, her oldest, goes along with it and calls me names at school and at home. Peony though, never has hit me or called me a mean name. She just watches, and never does anything. I am 17 now and my birthday is in 3 months, and the minute i turn 18 i am leaving and never looking behind.

I am currently walking home from school, because Caterina has said she wants to talk to me and my sisters. Taylor and Peony are probably already home because they drove home in their car. 

I don't have a car because, one- Caterina will never pay for a car for me, two- because i am fat, so walking home and only eating when i need to helps. I don't think I'm fat, in fact i am unhealthy skinny, but Caterina thinks that so i have to do what she says.

What does Caterina want? She barely ever calls us home to talk to us, and when she does it is never good. I can't help but wonder as i walk home.............

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