Chapter 3

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Aubrey kindly informed the girls that they had some group singing and teamwork exercises planned for the day. She was enjoying this so much, really glad Chloe had come with the idea of bringing the Bellas to her boot camp. Of course the blonde missed them because they were all good friends, her sisters actually, but she also couldn't help but feed her inner mischievous self watching them whine and struggle at her mercy. Especially that short brunette over there. Student becomes master, Beca. But I learnt from you too and now you're in my territory.

"What a great idea!" Chloe exclaimed smiling brightly. The camp had been her idea and she thought it was brilliant. Doubted a little bit though, when she saw Beca turn her face towards her in slow motion, accompanied with a nasty look. Ouch.

Without farther delay, Aubrey started a song and the Bellas followed, each to their position, trying to find the perfect pitch. The blonde shook her head laughing at the way her best friend was behaving. She knew Chloe would take every chance she had to touch Beca, and she was certainly having fun seeing the ginger's creativity. First exercise on her list and it was already so obvious...

There was Beca, standing on the big trunk just like her fellow Bellas, all of them side by side waiting for their turn to walk past the rest of them. The thing was about helping each other so nobody would fall off, but without using your hands. And there was Chloe, starting her walk over the trunk. The redhead was doing a good job keeping her balance until she got closer to Beca. Apparently her left foot slipped so she had to turn around and lean forward, ending up chest-to-chest and with her arms around the brunette's neck. The tall girl actually spent a few seconds more than necessary in that position. To Beca's surprise, her heartbeat accelerated.

After running around and singing (What's this stupid exercise for? Beca thought) followed the climbing exercise, where they had to help each other climb and sit on a high branch (duh) This wasn't too bad, the girls were having fun actually, but they were getting tired. And that's why the chorused a happy and relieved "Heeeey!" when Amy was brave enough to tell Aubrey it was time for lunch. The leader decided to let them go for lunch but made it clear by her face that she was not happy with the insurrection.


Beca placed the tray with her food at the table and looked at it. Looks better than the previous meal. She thought, and sat down taking her phone out of her pocket. Five new messages, four of them from Jesse and one from her dad. Deciding to make it faster, she read the last one first and replied shortly to her dad letting him know she was having an amazing time. She was actually hoping that her irony would get to him by text message.

Jesse's first text said: Ok...I guess you're having too much fun and you can't answer. I love you and miss you already!

Beca didn't really want to keep reading the other messages... She totally forgot to text him back the previous night and he must have been getting worried or something.

Hey Jesse! Sorry dude, Aubrey is keeping us so busy with teamwork and stuff. I'm alright. Kinda miss you too!

Reading the text she just wrote a couple more times told her it didn't look good. It sounded harsh and uninterested, as if she didn't want to write it at all. And she didn't want him to notice that! Feelings weren't her thing at all... after concentrating really hard for a while, she made some changes to it and sent: Hey Jesse! Sorry dude, Aubrey is keeping us so busy with teamwork and stuff. I'm alright. Miss you too!

"What's that concentration face for, short stack?"

Beca looked at her Aussie friend sitting in front of her already eating her lunch and decided to start eating too. Seconds later Stacie sat next to Amy and immediately asked what was going on, which made Beca wonder when she got the transparent face. Silence was so tense that it could have been cut with a knife, both girls looking at her friend and waiting for an answer.

Bellas Boot CampTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon