I was pleasantly shocked to hear that he had her moved back to California. "Preciate that."

"No problem," he said, proceeding to my room's exit.

"Love you, dad."

Pops turned to face me. "I love you too kid and don't you ever forget it," he replied and left out of the room.


"What are you doing here?" I asked, packing the rest of my things before my flight leaves tonight.

Brooklyn plopped down on my bed and innocently pouted. "I came to give you a ride to the airport."

I smiled at her making that sweet gesture although it is not needed. "Thank you, baby mama but--" she cut me off.

"No buts. I already cleared that with your folks. So, I'm giving you a ride to the airport and that is final," she enlightened me with a stern tone.

I raised my arms to surrender and zipped my suitcase up to close. "Fine, I have no objections. Now, let's head out. I want to beat traffic."

B lifted her body from the bed and grabbed my smaller bag to carry. She struggled to manage it, so I signaled for her to hand it to me.

"Babe, give me the bag."

"I got it." Brooklyn playfully rolled her eyes and strutted out of my room with my bag. I giggled at her sass, I knew for a fact that I would miss that the most. I took one last look at my room and followed behind her with my suitcase.

"Ahh, there's my guy!" Kyle was the first to greet me when I got down the stairs.

"I can't believe you leaving bro," he added, dapping me up. "Show them boys how real niggas get down."

"Got you fam," I responded.

"Ok, enough of this gay stuff. Give me a hug a baby brother." Skylar nudged Kyle out of the way so we could embrace.

She kissed my cheek and gave me a long look. "Don't go trying to be a hero, Trav. Heroes never come back." I answered with nod.

"I promise."

"Oh, almost forgot...Bam wanted me to give you this. You can read it when you get on the plane." Kyle distributed an envelope to me and I stuck it down in my back pocket. "I'm really gone miss y'all fools." I looked each on of them all in their eyes and I knew that things would be different between us now.

"Bruh, you better not cry," Kyle said, sniffling.

"Nah, I'm good. We should go now, B." It was best for us to leave before I get emotional about leaving. Hell, just looking in Sky's eyes made me tempted to miss my flight.

"Hey, Sky I know Bahja and pops in the studio right now. Tell them I'll call when my flight lands in Chicago. I don't need them trying to convince me to stay here." She graciously agreed to do so. Brooklyn and I departed from inside the house and went to her car to leave.

The quiet car ride was painfully awkward considering we are the best of friends. It's a rare occasion that she has nothing to say to me. "You good?" I questioned her when we approached a red stop light. B turned the music down and finally broke her unusual silence.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff..." My eyebrows arched in curiosity.

"Thinking about what specifically? Don't be holding out on me B."

"I mean, we're like grown-ups now. I can't just pull up to your house and spill all the tea to you. It's great that change is coming, but it is scary," she admitted with an unsure expression and I stared her down, realizing that she was going to be leaving soon too.

"One phone call, B. That's how far I'll be."

Brooklyn smacked her teeth when she pulled into LAX's Southwest Airlines terminal to drop me off. "Yeah, you say that now. We'll be in totally different countries, totally different time zones. Shit will never be the same."

I honestly didn't have anything to counter her argument with, so we sat there pondering the next move or the next word. I peered over to see a tear streaming down her cheek and that hit me hard. "B, don't do this. Not now," I whined.

She wiped her face and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I know I'm supposed to be a big girl."

I got out of the car and walked over to the driver's side, openingher door. "Get out," I demanded with a comforting smile while pulling her arm.

I squeezed her tightly when she got out, not wanting to let her go anytime soon. "I love you, sailor," she playfully whispered in my ear. All I could do was smirk. That was the first time I had ever been called that, but it actually felt right.

"I love you more, baby. Try not to replace me when you become a big-time artist and shit," I teased finally pulling away.

"Bullshit," she groaned.

"I'm being serious though. Whether you see it or not, I know you have big things coming in your future, Brooklyn."

"You love feeding my ego," she giggled.

"I just think you need encouragement because you always downplaying your talent and how amazing you are. Don't be afraid to share that. Thank goodness Isaac helped display how great you are, otherwise you'd still be playing around."

Brooklyn casually rolled her eyes and went to pop the trunk open. "Whatever."

"Don't whatever me. Make sure you go see him before you leave next week." I walked behind her to go get my bags and she appeared irritated by my request.

"Ehh, I'll think about it," Brooklyn mumbled.

"Don't think about it, just do it like I say Anna Mae." A smack to chest was followed by my sly remark.


As opposed to Brooklyn coming back at me with a slick comment, she simply smiled. "Say whatever it is you thinking," I advised her, knowing that she was deep in thought.

"No matter what..." she began. "We in this together. Promise?"

"Promise. I'll hold you down always," I said.

"Always and forever."

The End

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Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this book.

What are y'all predictions for Travis and Brooklyn? Will they remain best friends despite the big changes?

The 2nd book of the Rich Kids series,"Playing Games" featuring Skylar x Kyle will be posted soon. So, if you like those two characters and their relationship then make sure you check that out.

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