18| Travis

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This was it. The beginning of my future. In less than 48 hours I will be on a plane to go to boot camp and I was stoked about this new opportunity. This new chance to start over. A soft knock at my room door disrupted me from my circulating thoughts.

"Come in!" I sat up on my bed and stared at the door as it swung open to see the visitor.

My dad came in and leaned up against the wall. There was a brief silence between us prior to him speaking.

"Everything ok with you?" he asked, making small talk as if he wasn't sure of what else to say. This was common behavior for him nowadays, he had been walking on egg shells since I moved back in.

"I'm cool," I said.

He nodded slowly and exhaled deeply as if he were contemplating his next words. "So, you're leaving in two days...excited about it?"

"Yeah," I assured him and he replied with a weak grin.

"This a big step for you, Trav. It takes a special individual to enlist in the Navy and despite what you think, I'm very proud of you son."

I couldn't help but to crack a smile. It had been awhile since he acknowledged me and it made me feel more at ease about my decision.

"Thanks pops. That means a lot coming from you."

"Yeah, just don't tell Bahja and Sky I said that. You know they still upset about you leaving," he let out a soft chuckle.

I knew that everyone wasn't in favor of my Navy aspirations, but hopefully their take on it would change eventually.

"Maybe with time they'll become more comfortable with what I'm doing," I simply shrugged it off.

He came over beside me and sat on my bed. "Don't stress yourself out about what they think. Live your life and move along."

"Will do."

Dad glanced off into space and we rested there in a pleasant silence, something that I had been longing for some time now. "I never did say that I'm sorry for how I came at you. I apologize for it all."

The sincerity in his voice made it easy to forgive him for what had happened, even if I was still bitter about the outcome of everything. "It's all good and I'm sorry for talking to you recklessly. No matter how angry I was, I shouldn't have got out of line."

"Eh, I kind of deserved shit talking and that right jab you threw."

I smiled nervously. "Yeah, I definitely need to work on my temper."

"Don't feel bad. Bad temper runs in the family, Trav. I'm sure boot camp will get you in line..." he started. "Now, Bahja making me go to therapy again like I'm crazy on some shit, but it's pointless. Let me be angry if I want to," he ranted on.

I shook my head at how he objected against another one of Bahja's plans to help him control his anger.

"It might be for the best."

"I figured you'd say that. Y'all always gotta tag team against ya boy. Thank God Bryce always got my back," he joked while glancing down at his watch.

"Anyway, I have studio session but before you leave we're making you a going away dinner. Just us five, so try to save some type of appetite for later."

"You said that like I'm greedy."

As he got up from the bed, he reached for something in his pocket. "You are greedy." Dad handed me a business card with a unfamiliar address.

I furrowed my brows once I got my hands on it. "What's this?"

"That's where your mom is staying. She's in a halfway house now. Turns out she's getting better, so make sure you go see her before you head out."

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