17| Brooklyn

511 24 7

My speakers pounded in my room to muffle any outside noises, just the way I liked it. Once I put my pencil to the page, I zoned out and doodled whatever images were being circulated in my mind. As I was shading an abstract figure I couldn't help but notice that all my drawings related to the same topic, Travis.

Thinking about his situation made me sad because graduation is literally right around the corner and we won't be on the stage together like we always dreamed.

I lowered my music's volume and grabbed the phone from off the night stand to call him.

"Yo," he casually answered.

"Hey, what's up with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just wondering why you blasting Bryson Tiller like that," Trav chuckled softly.

"Wait, I just turned that down before we got on the phone. You keeping tabs on me?" I squinted with a flummoxed expression.

"Nah..." he paused. "I'm here though." My door swung open and surely enough my best friend barged in.

"It's late, how you get here? Uber?"

Travis pecked my forehead and sat beside me before speaking. "I drove."

My eyes widened and a smile formed on my face. "You driving regularly now...I'm here for it." He shrugged it off and glanced down at my note pad.

"Dope. That's supposed to be me?" Travis pointed to a distorted figure that appeared to a human.

"Maybe. So, why didn't I see you at prom on Friday?" I questioned him and he rolled his eyes with an attitude.

"Prom is for those who are graduating and I'm obviously not, so my presence wasn't needed," he calmly addressed me and I sighed deeply.

"C'mon now, you can still get a diploma in October!"

"Bullshit! I'm done with school." I was shocked to hear him reveal that, but by the looks of things he wasn't joking around. "Besides, no need to go back if I already took the GED test."

My brows furrowed in confusion. "And when did you find time to take the GED?"

"Friday. I get my results next week, so pray for me." I shook my head in disbelief. "I cannot believe you're being for real right now. A GED isn't going to replace a diploma, Travis."

"I don't have time for a lecture, B. Plus, it doesn't matter if I waited until October to get my diploma because all the schools that were offering me full ride scholarships backed off," he huffed.

I mentally rolled my eyes at how easy he was giving up on his future.

"All these damn excuses you got. You can go to community college for two years or you can ask your dad to fund your schooling."

Travis dismissed my suggestions and shook his head. "Nah, I'm not asking him for anything. Besides, I already got a plan for my future," he smiled.


Travis hesitated before replying. "I'm joining the Navy. I enlisted yesterday."

My initial instinct was to slap him, but a punch to his shoulder was sufficient enough.

"Ouch!" he whined.

"The Navy? You've seriously lost your mind. Have you told your dad? What did he s--"

"Chill with the questions," Travis interrupted me. "This is the best decision for me right now and I'm cool with it."

He appeared satisfied with his choice and there wasn't anything I could say to convince him otherwise. "Ok, fine...I just don't want to lose you. I already worry enough as it is."

Hold You DownNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ