"The little #10 sure can jump."

And I smirked at all those comments.
Yeah, that is right. That was a toss. And this is a first-year. Yeah.


24-19 set point for us.

Asahi made the point for us to win the set.

We had a little break and I handed everyone their waterbottle and they thanked me. I gave everyone a smile and they returned it.

"Mina-san, you all did a great job." I said and alot of them got even more fired up.

"So, we're going to start the second set with out second rotation." Coach Ukai expleined and the pattern was like this

Kageyama(me), Kageyama(Tobio), Tsukishima

Hinata, Sawamura, Azumane

He said he made it like this to avoid Hinata and the #7 from Dateko from beeing together in one poistion.

He smirked and looked over to me.
I saluted and he spoke,

Kawaii, all the boys thought beside her own brother.

"They may have already seen all our weapons, but they still haven't seen our newest." He said and I saluted even higher with my hand and a dorky grin an my face.

"I finally get to play!" I jumped around like a child.

They chuckled at my behaviour.


We went to our positions and I had my turn to serve.

I served with not much might because I kind of had a sleepy hand.

"G-gomen. It was a bad serve." I apologized and they shook their heads still focused on the game.

"Don't mind."

Dateko made that first point but we caught up thanks to Asahi's spike.



Hinata spiked and 5-4.

Then another one. Hinata as decoy and I spiked. I tried to immitate Hinata's and Tobio's freaky quick but with opened eyes.

Tobio tossed to me and I focused onto where I should spike it. I found one and Point!

Their eyes widen and our team cheered. Dateko called for a time out.

10-12 for us.

Dateko's convo

"Ah, damn it."

"This is a big problem. So, not only can #10 do that quick. #7 is a killer-machine. She does that quick just like #10. But she has her eyes open and is focused. She uses her brain."

They discussed some more strategies but nothing seemed to work.

Back to Mae's POV

16-17 for us and Hinata served. It flew into the net.


20-22 Karasuno on the lead.
(Sorry in the anime the points just fly to there then there so I will just keep on writing so don't mind the big point skips)

21-24 for us.

Hinata served and it went out.

He bowed and repeatedly apologized. Tobio went over to beat him up but I stopped him.

Mae Kageyama! Tobio's sister?!(Haikyuu fan-fic) (HaikyuuxOC)Where stories live. Discover now