I beamed up at him. "really"

"yea-will you come back"

I nodded quickly. "Of course" I held his hand tightly my eyes trailing over the lake... "I'll always come back"


Blinking I looked up Professor. "Sorry, I'm trying" I whispered my eyes locked onto the lake and trailed over it as I slipped back into my thoughts.

"Honey!" I ran to him and hugged him the force of me running causing him to fall back.

"Hello sweetie!" he laughed and pushed himself up.

"I missed you!" I buried my face into his chest and hugged close.

"I missed you to even though I seen you just last night" he teased.

Blushing I sat up and grinned. "I lost my tooth!"

"I see" he tilted my chin up an d looked with amusement in his eyes.

"your hair's changed" I frowned up at him. "why has it changed"

He checked his hair over and offered a small sad smile. "I don't know"

"how do you not know?" I asked cocking my head to the side. "Did you cut it?"

"I don't know Sweetie" he whispered and looked at my hair. "Can I put your hair up?" he asked softly.

I nodded quickly. "Of course I brought a brush" I held it up to him. "And mama gots me new hair ties" I showed him.

"lets go to our thinking spot"

"can I get a piggy back ride?" I asked as I leaned against him. "Please?"

"okay come on" He helped me up and in no time where were by the lake and I was between his legs as he sat on the rock braiding my hair into two pig tails with two bows on either side.


"what is it?" he grunted as he continued braiding.

"mama said when I get older you will go away" I whispered in a shaky voice. "is that true?"

"I don't know Sweetie" he admitted softly rubbing his hand on my side to comfort me. "I don't think so"

"I hope not" I whispered. "I don't want you to ever go" I said firmly.

"Granger?" Blinking I looked over at Professor Snape. "Putting a lot of details?"

I nodded. "its hard not to" I whispered softly. "He's been my companion for many years" I glanced at him as he reached up and caught something on my cheek.

"the first of many I assume?" he asked as he slipped the single tear into a flask.

I looked at it with wide eyes. "I guess because those two-are just from two different ages" I whispered.


He looked up from his book as I strolled up to him.

"is that you?"

A smile slipped onto the boy's face. His dark brown eyes locked on me and his long black hair was to his shoulders. "Sweetie"

"HONEY!" I ran the rest of the way to him and threw myself at him causing him to grunt. "You've been gone!"

"I have?"

I nodded as I held him closer. "For years" I whispered my voice quivering.

In the Den of Snakes * Harry Potter Fanfic *Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon