Part 3: The Book

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Mal's POV
After class we headed to the mall. The mall was one of those place made almost completely out of glass.We walked in and decided to go to the book store on the second floor. As we headed up it seems as if magic was nearby. But why wouldn't it be. We live in Auradon, home to the legendary fairytale characters. We walked towards the store and was greeted by Doug. "Hey guys, I'm just looking for some books to study about Auradon" Doug said and continued looking for books. We decided to look around. Ben headed to the section with all the ancient fairytales. I decided to look for some history books for magics. That subject fascinated me. There was hardly any books on this topic. There was only one leather book on it. As I picked the book up the scenery changed. I was in Sleeping Beauty's castle.How was that possible. It was my dream from last night. I dropped the book confused and scared and was back in the book store. I did not want to touch that book nor even see it. I wanted to get back to my dorm. "Ben we need to go home" I said to Ben while approaching him. "Why" he asked and pulled him towards the door "I will explain to you later" and we headed out.

* * *
We were in my dorm. Evie had gone out with Doug so the place was empty. "Why did we leave" Ben asked. "Last night I had a dream, I was in Sleeping Beauty's castle. There was a magic dust I was following in the dream leading to my mothers spinning wheel". "How does that have to do with us leaving or the book store" He asked. "In the store I found a book, a leather book. It was about the history of magic, when I picked it up I was at the same castle I was at in my dream.Everything was the same. When I dropped the book I was back in the store. It was all so weird" I said. " We need to go talk to the Fairy Godmother" Ben said and pulled me towards the door. We headed back to Auradon Prep.

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