Finally Happy (Finale)

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(A/N: okay, so...last chapter I said that Rouben was going to make Sin pay and make Sin beg for his forgiveness...well, I couldn't think of anything over that three months I've been thinking about it, and I've decided just to end it here. I will (of course) miss Rouben and Sin dearly; however, I will make a sequel if I'm asked enough, and it will definitely be better than Unable -with a better plot line and characters-) 



"Do you, Rouben Collin, take Sin Wale, as your husband, for better or for worst, in sickness and in health?"

I smiled, tears coming to my eyes, as Sin reached up to brush hair from my face "I do"

The pastor turned towards Sin " And do you, Sin Wale, take Rouben Collin, as your husband-"

Sin rolled his eyes, said "I do", and kissed me. The pastor smiled and closed his "bible" which was really just a copy of the 'Maze Runner'. The little family that showed up (My mother, father sister, Winter and Rebekah *cough* who, by the way, got married a couple months back). Turns out, Rebekah's little "riddle" was that Sin was in love with me and Winter was going to get in the way. What fun that was! I hate riddles...

It's been four years since Sin made up with me and proposed in the sweetest way. He took me to a baseball game, and when the camera came on us, he proposed in front of one thousand people. It was legal to marry (thank you gay rights!) in the U.S.A., so we got married two months after. Soon after (two years, more like) we decided to adopt a kid. 

We adopted our son named James. He's a really sweet kid, but he's obsessed with pirates at the moment and it's adorable! Sin seems to think he'll become like him. A killer; However, I think he'll become some sort of superstar...

Well, a "mother" can dream right? 

James has taken it upon himself to decide what to call us. He calls Sin "papa" and he calls me "mama" or in those rare occasions when Sin is out of town for his job, James calls me "daddy". At the moment, not many kids are friends with him. I fear it's because he has two fathers instead of a mom and a dad like most parents, but Sin says it's just because he's a little overly hyper for other children. 

Anyways, life is good. I don't think I could be any happier. I only wish I will be there for my sons wedding, male or female alike, all I want is for him to be happy...

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