Welcome To The Carnival!

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I laughed as Rouben groaned in pain, he was curled up in a ball covered by his white sheets.

I continued laughing as his naked body sat up from the bed with a cringe and groan.

"stop laughing! my hips hurt like hell!"

That only made it harder to not laugh. He glared at me and walked to the bathroom in all his naked glory.

*~* after Rouben gets his skinny ass out of the shower*~*

Rouben walked into the bedroom with a light grey fluffy towel around his waist, and I mean just a light grey towel. I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and bit and sucked on his earlobe. He moaned and looked at me with clouded confused eyes, so I decided to elaborate for him...

"how many times do I have to remind you not to tease me Rouben?~"

He smiled sheepishly,


he walked over to the dresser, pulled out clothes and was about to walk out the door back to the bathroom before I stopped him. He looked at me confused again

"..what..?" I smirked and looked at him

"there is no need to go to the bathroom..."

he scoffed and rolled his eyes at me "and you call me perverted.."

I chuckled and let him go change. I looked into my pocket, and yup. There were the tickets..
after a while Rouben came back into the room dressed and ready to go. I took his hand and led him out the door, walking towards his car (THAT HAS MAGICALLY SHOWN UP).


The ride in the car was long and boring, but we finally made it. I was leading Rouben by the hand because he was blindfolded. I handed the lady our tickets and she smiled at me trying to be flirty, I just rolled my eyes and flipped her off. 

Once we reached the middle of the carnival, I untied the blindfold and let it fall. He gasped and turned around with a big happy grin on his face. He hugged me and then continued to drag me around the. entire. place. going on every. ride. possible.
It would be a lie if I told you I was tired, I was exhausted. As we walked back to the car hand in hand I made a turn, going away from the car and towards the peer (it is about 11 at night, it's very dark out). He gave me a weird look. I dragged him to my favorite place on the peer, the shore. 

He took one look of the water and gasped, gripping my hand. I looked at him and he was staring at the water with a enchanted look. I pulled him toward the water and sat down. He sat down next to me and whispered "It's... it's beautiful..." I sighed in relief and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer. 

I played with his finger and realized something,

"Rouben, you know what I just realized?"


"I never asked you to be my boyfriend..."

He looked at me for a moment before smiling, turning to me and taking my face in his hands.

"Sin, you don't need to ask. I already knew what we were."

I smiled and kissed him, the kiss soon turned into something more....

*~*little more time skip...*~*

Rouben fell asleep on the ride back to his house. When we got to his house I picked him up bridal style and put him on his bed. I crawled under the covers with him and wrapped my arms around him whispering in his ear

"goodnight, birthday boy"

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