This is why your name is dip-shit

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I woke up that night because Rouben was shaking and sobbing quietly, sometimes whispering things like

"it's not my fault..."

"just want to be accepted..."

"I'm going to hell..."

Nuff said. I tried waking him up but he wouldn't budge, so I growled and slapped him. He still didn't wake up, so I did the only other option I knew of.

I flipped him onto his back, straddled him, pinned his hands above his head and kissed him. He woke up with a jolt "what the fuck?!" I looked at him surprised, I didn't think him the cursing type. He blushed redder than a tomato when he noticed our 'suggestive' position.

I smirked and got off him "you know, for someone like you... you're really hard to wake up." He blushed at the innuendo. He looked at his hands and mumbled and apology. I lifted his chin up with a smirk "I'm sorry what was that?"  he blushed redder than before and looked away. I frowned "why does your face get red all the time?" he  acted like a fish for a moment.... then almost yelled "no reason!" making my smirk wider.

The alarm clock (I almost wrote clocken... that's not even a word...) went off, making him jump.

"Well, we ought to get up... it is Wednesday" he nodded, then stopped.

"I don't have any clothes....."  in response I just pointed to my dresser. He lightly blushed and slightly nodded. He  slipped off the bed before yelping and jumping back on with his knees to his chest. I raised an eyebrow and looked over the side of the bed, seeing Kathy in the middle of the floor. I gasped and dived for her "KATHY!!!" He just gave me a weird look. "OH MY GOD KATHY, I'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FO CHUU!~" he looked at me, raised his hands in a surrendering position and turned around. I just chuckled and put Kathy under my bed where she belongs.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed clothes. He mimicked my movements.  I walked over to the bathroom and walked in, locking the door behind me. The clothes I grabbed were about the same I wore yesterday, I changed and did all my bathroom shit. Unlocking the door I walked out,

"there is a unused tooth brush on the sink, it's blue you can use that.. okay?" he nodded and walked into the bathroom.
I was about to go downstairs  before I decided I should wait for dip-shit over there. He walked out of the bathroom with a sigh. I gave him a look.

"it's nothing..."

"you see this is why your name is dip-shit."

he gave me an 'are you fucking kidding me?' look, making me smirk. I walked downstairs with him behind me (lol more innuendo's) 

"hey bitch"

"h-hello s-sir..."

"Sandy.. what the fuck did you do?!"

"n-nothing s-sir!"


"i-I'm sorry sir"

i sighed and grabbed Rouben's hand, waltzing out the door (with style).

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