Dear Diary entry 11

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I thought I’d be better without you. Last night I’d a dream about you; about us. It was amazing. It was just like old times. And when I woke up this morning I cried so hard and for so long; because I miss you. Still. And even though it’s been six months it hurts just as bad as that day. The worst day if my life. And even now after six months I’d give anything to hear your voice and to have you tell me everything was going to be alright even though you had no clue what would happen. God. Why does it hurt so much? Do you even fucking miss me? I think that’s what hurt more than you leaving the fact that you might not even miss me or ever think about me kills me inside. But I could be wrong. You could be reading this. You could be stalking my tumblr trying to see if everything was okay without asking. Well, if you want to know it all fucking sucks. And I have no clue if talking to you would make it better; but you were the only one who could ever make it better so it’s worth a try right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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