Chapter 7: Halloween at Hogwarts

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Before I knew it, I was at Hogwarts for a month and things were going relatively well. I mean, sure Draco still thought he was so I'm prying and still hurt me when nobody was looking. Lucky for me however, Hermione knew some great healing charms and muggle remedies to help with it.
We also had our first flying lesson, it was..interesting to say the least. Neville broke his wrist when his broom lost control. I went with him to the hospital wing, otherwise I would of seen what everyone else in the school seem to be really excited about it. Harry apparently started flying and went after Draco since he had Neville's remember orb. Harry caught the orb after Draco threw it, and somehow became the youngest seeker in at least a century.
I apparently miss a lot when I'm with Neville. Hermione told me that Harry, Ron, and herself saw a three-headed-dog on the third floor while running from Fitch. I was glad to miss that, I may be a dog person but not to that extreme. She told me that the boys screamed as loud as she did which made me laugh, I needed it after having a stressful day from Neville being hurt to Draco's endless taunts.
Soon after that, it was finally Halloween. I love Halloween because it always meant amazing goodies at the Weasley household, so it made me curious about what Hogwarts had in store for Halloween.
In Charms, it was rather boring really. We just learned how to levitate things, using feathers.
I kind of wished that Professor Flitwick would let us use pumpkins instead, but I guess it was safer with feathers, especially since Seamus made his feather blow up. I looked over at Hermione and saw that she mastered it, surprise surprise. I smiled over at her and gave her a thumbs up to congratulate her from across the room.
I then cleared my throat and practiced the spell myself before my feather was in the air as well. I thought Professor Flitwick was going to wet himself with how excited he was that two of us students mastered the spell. He awarded both Hermione and I ten points each to congratulate us on a job well done.
After class ended, I walked out with Neville who was soon joined by Seamus, Dean, Harry and Ron. Ron looked angry, Hermione seemed to be his partner in class and he wasn't impressived.
"It's levi-oooo-saw, not levi-o-saaww. She's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder she doesn't got any friends." He said angrily. After that, Hermione ran past us, hitting Ron as she went by.
"Ronald! How dare you? I know your mother raised you better than that! She was trying to help you!! And for a matter of fact, Ronald, she has friends. She has me, unless your like Draco now and claim I'm not a person!" I snapped at Ron before taking off after Hermione.
"Hermione..? Are you okay?" I asked gently, finding her in one of the stalls in the girls bathroom.
"No.. please go away.. he's right.. I have no one.." Hermione said softly from the other side of the stall.
"Hermione, you have me. You were there when I needed someone, now it's my turn. I swear Ronald will pay.. I might even tip his mother off so she can send a Howler. You don't deserve this Hermione." I said gently, wishing she would let me in to help her.
"You'd do that.. for me?" Hermione asked softly, opening the stall slightly.
"Of course I would. Now come on, let's get some food. I don't know about you but I'm starving." I said happily, holding out my hand to my best girl friend.
"Okay." Hermione said, coming out of the stall with a small smile before looking behind me and looked terrified.
"What? Do I have somethin in my hair?" I asked teasingly before Hermione personally turned me around so I could see what she saw. A 7 foot troll was in the girls bathroom and it was blocking our only exit.
We looked at each other and screamed at the top of our lungs. Hermione took my hand and we rushed back in the stalls, covering our heads.
"Ellie!!" Harry and Ron both shouted for us as they entered the bathroom.
But at that moment, the troll swung it's club right at the stalls, covering Hermione and I with debri.
Both Hermione and I screamed since it was impossible to breathe underneath the debri. I tried to move some of it off of us myself, but I felt sore all over. I looked at Hermione, hoping she was able to get out first, I was feeling extremely weak and I didn't want my best friend to feel the same.
Soon I felt what felt like Harry's hand pull me out from underneath the rubble. He handed me off to Hermione who pulled me underneath the sinks with her. I felt a gust of wind beside me before I felt water being sprayed. I heard Hermione scream, and soon I felt Harry tug on my hand again.
"Harry.." I said weakly, clinging to him as if my life depended on it.
"I got you.. don't worry.." Harry whispered as he wiped some of the dust off my cheek.
I smiled faintly at him before a professor came in quickly. I couldn't tell who it was but the called for Professor Dumbledore and the other professors before most of them were in the girls bathroom.
"What happened here?" Professor McGonagall demanded, looking at the four of us.
Harry and Ron were trying to explain but they kept interrupting each other. I was too weak so I didn't say anything, so what happened next kind of surprised me.
"It's my fault, Professor. I thought I could take on the troll on my own, reading about them in my books. If Harry, Ron, and Ellie didn't come in when they did.. I would be dead." Hermione spoke up. It surprised me that Hermione did that, but I appreciated it all the same. McGonagall took five points from Gryfinndor for Hermione's lack of wisdom, and five points to the boys and I for "sheer dumb luck". Harry helped me back to the Tower, knowing I was unfit to walk on my own. When we got there, Hermione was waiting for us, we all thanked each other for what the others did that night and smiled at each other.
"I don't know about you lot, but I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." I said confidently, still using Harry as support.
Woo sooo much writing in one time span :) I must admit though I wouldn't have been able to do it without one of my best friends giving me words of encouragement when I told them I was nervous about how well this story would fair. They love the story and that makes me feel like it is pretty great :) I have someone to give me feed back when I need it and it is awesome to be able to text someone and ask them for advice :) thanks NaruShibuya for everything :) love ya bud :) until next time my loving nerds :) DFTBA :)

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