Chapter 4: Quick Meet Up

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I woke up the next morning, feeling more refreshed than I had when I had first woken up. I quietly got ready to not disturb the other girls in my dormitory. I was sneaking out because it was only six o'clock in the morning and Cedric and I agreed to meet before breakfast. That way we would have a chance to talk without anyone interrupting us.
Soon I was out of Gryfinndor Tower and heading my way down to the entrance hall. As soon as I got there, I glanced at my watch. Six ten, I was five minutes early to meet up with Cedric, but it was better than being late. Soon, I heard footsteps and turned around to see Cedric coming.
"Good morning, Elle. I am glad to know you found your way here alright." Cedric spoke as he wrapped his arms around me. He was the only one allowed to call me Elle anymore and that was how I liked it. Mama was the only one who called me Elle before she died so I only found it fit that the person who protected me on the day of her funeral deserved the right to call me Elle.
"It wasn't that hard," I spoke with confidence, "I just remembered how you used to compare how close to the Great Hall it was."
"Haha, you have read too many of those Sherlock Holmes books I'm afraid to say." Cedric teased, mainly because he was the one who got me my first copy of the muggle story Sherlock Holmes.
"Oh well, so what was the purpose of us meeting at this hour, Ced? Couldn't it had waited until after my classes for the day?" I questioned, knowing that he had a reason for pulling me out of bed at this hour when he knew I wasn't a morning person.
"That would be too late if I did. I wanted to let you know what not to do in your classes otherwise you may have a detention your first day of school." Cedric said seriously, no longer joking around.
"Aww, your sweet. So what do I need to know?" I asked with an eager smile on my face.
"Well, since your not used to the castle, leave earlier than you think you do when you get the chance. The teachers will still hold it against you despite being first years. Professor Snape highly favors Slytherins, there's nothing you can do about it. Just do the work in his class and keep your head down, don't draw attention to yourself..." Cedric went on and on about the ins and outs of all the teachers.
"Above all, keep your nose clean and you should be fine." He ended his long speel amd looked at me if I had any questions.
"Geezz.. that's.. that's a lot to take in there Ced.. but I will try my best." I promised as I gave him a huge hug.
"Anything you want to tell me about what happened after we got separated on the train?" Cedric asked with a raised eyebrow, surveying the bump on top of my head.
"I... I kind of ran into Draco, Vincent, and Gregory.. Vincent pushed me to make me hit a window.. but I ran into Ron and Harry Potter and Harry kind of saved me.. so did Ron's rat but still.. I'm okay." I said with a weak smile, hoping he wouldn't worry about it.
"I knew I should have made sure you got to Neville's compartment.." Cedric muttered before he swore.
"I'm fine, really." I said quickly as I grabbed his hands to get him to listen.
"If you're sure Elle.. just know I am here for you.. you know that right?" Cedric asked as he looked over at me.
"Of course I do Ced. You've always been there for me.. ever since I was five.." I said softly, looking down at my feet.
"After your last class on Friday, meet me in the court yard. There you can tell me all about your week." Cedric suggested as he lifted up my chin with care.
"I'd like that very much.." I muttered softly before looking at my wristwatch. It was almost seven and my stomach began to growl with hunger.
"I'll see you later then Ced." I said with a shy smile before heading off to the Great Hall for some breakfast.

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