She bit her lip slightly and gasped at the sight before her. She stepped forward slowly and took small steps towards Justin. "Strip," he instructed as he stroked himself slowly. Michelle licked her lips before slowly unbuttoning her suit jacket.

"I've been waiting to bend you over forever, how could you keep me waiting?" Justin hissed at her. She smirked. "What can I say? I love playing hard to get," she laughed a bit as she fully undressed and finally came face to face with Justin.


A few hours had passed, Michelle had finally been thoroughly fucked by Justin on every surface in his office, all was well. Franko finally caught up with him after a long night of fucking a few of the girls he employed.

"Man where have you been? I was filing papers, next thing I know,Christina is riding my dick,"Franko shook his head as Justin approached him in the office. Justin sent him a look. "You didn't hear me walk in on you guys?" he asked. Franko looked up. "Fuck," was all he said. Justin laughed.

"Michelle finally let me get them cheeks," Justin laughed as he took a sip of water. Franko damn near choked on air. "Really?! At least one of us got to," he pouted.

"I think we should start looking at new girls," Justin changed the conversation topic quickly. "Yeah me too, I'll grab some files from the drawer," Franko stood to retrieve the documents.

The next few hours were spent going over potential Bieber and Co. candidates. Only one girl in particular stood out to Justin. Missy. She had a small body, but boy was she beautiful. He would be sure to have her in his office soon.

Justin's mind wandered back to the night he met Franko. Man, it was crazy and he thought about how it would be if he never had ran into him.

Justin was merely eighteen years old, selling dope on the streets. Those were his first steps into getting big in the city.

A man by the name of Steve owed Justin over five hundred dollars, and it was time for Justin to either get his money, or kill him. He had been stalking him for the past few days, making sure he knew his daily routine. Coke heads never changed up anything.

Justin followed him to a rundown warehouse, where he lived.

Justin got out of his car and cocked his gun as he approached the building. Steven wouldn't be doing much talking anyways. The door was pressed to the side and Justin couldn't even step foot inside before shots rang out.

They weren't aimed at Justin, he could tell. He moved inside the building to see a man standing over Steve, running through his pockets. Justin immediately lifted his gun.

"What are you doing?" He spoke to the unknown man. The man held his gun still, and raised it slowly. He nodded to Steve's now dead body on the ground. "You Steve's people?" the man asked. Justin shook his head no. "This clown owes me five hundred dollars, that's what I was here for. Looks like we had the same idea in mind," Justin lowered his gun and stepped towards the man.

The man smiled and went into his pocket to expose a wad of cash. "Here, since this is rightfully yours," he counted out five hundred bucks and laid it in Justin's hand. "I'm Franko from the block. This nigga owes me more money than I can count," Franko stuck his hand out.

Justin shook it. "I'm Justin." They exited the rundown building stealthily just in case people were looking, lurking outside. "You need a job? I run an escort service, not for much longer, but you look like you could use a good massage or more from one of my girls," Franko smirked.

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