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"Hey Annabelle, over here!" Jake called. Oh, he's so cute!

I look over at him and smile. He has five two-liter bottles of soda sitting right next to each other. Mountain Dew, Crush, Moxie, Mello Yello, and Pepsi. My favorites. But what's this? There seems to be a square of duct tape on each bottle. What's on the duct tape, you ask? A message.

P R O M ?

My heart started pounding. My legs turned to jello. I couldn't hide the excitement on my face. I ran over to him.

"Yes! Yes, I'll go to prom with you, Jake! I'd love to! Oh, yes, Jake, yes!' I blurted as I stopped in front of him. "I mean, um, yeah Jake, I'll go to prom with you. I mean, whatever. It's no big deal..." I tried to look bored but my eyes were just screaming, HEY! GUESS WHAT? I'M EXCITED! I CAN'T HIDE IT!

He smiled. He thought it was funny. That's exactly what I wanted to happen. How could things get any better? I mean, they can't. Nothing tops this moment.

Jake steps closer to me, and looks straight into my eyes, just centimeters away from my face, smiling. I stared happily at his short brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. He just kept looking between my lips and my eyes, until he leaned in for the kiss.

That's when he backed away and started singing. Which was weird.

"Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy! But here's my number, so call me maybe!"

I looked at him like he had three heads, then I noticed the cloudy white rim around my vision.

I was dreaming.

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