WTAW Ch. 2

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However it didn't matter how much Hermione enjoyed the weekend or how much she didn't want it to be over, Monday arrived and the classes begun again.
Hermione was frustrated enough about the song, or 'the bloody craziness' as Ron and Harry had started to call it, without Harry imagining Malfoy being a Death Eater or his stupid Half-blood Prince.
Most of the time Hermione just blocked it all out but sometimes she really just had to interfere in the boys' lives or they would most definitely do something very stupid and end up in detention or maybe even expelled. Hermione had had to constantly worry about the lives of all three of them, because it seemed like they pulled danger with magnets. And now it started to seem that Harry was seeking trouble with him accusing Malfoy of doing something illegal, and trying to catch him.
But this Half-blood Prince had really gotten her worried. The more she thought about the potions book or 'the prince' the more she believed there was something wrong about it.
And what if it goes together with the song? What if the book is going to be the reason for danger? Will someone get hurt? Will it be someone she knows and loves?
These questions keep rolling around in Hermione's head as she sits in Defence Against The Dark Arts class on Tuesday. She is only half listening to what Snape is talking about on the topic of the Unforgivable curses. It's not like they haven't studied them in fourth year or anything..
"Miss Granger what are you doing?" an oily voice reaches Hermione's ears and she jumps out of her thoughts in surprise.
"Umm... I... I..." Hermione, who has never in her life been caught not listening in class was at a loss for words.
"That's what I thought. Fifteen points from Griffindor." Snape gave Hermione his famous evil grin that made the girl's blood boil.
She opened her mouth to protest but Ron beat her to it.
"Why are you taking points from Griffindor? She wasn't doing anything!"
"That is exactly why, Weasley," Snape's voice was filled with venom this time. "She wasn't paying attention. And for that remark I think I should take another ten points from Griffindor. Maybe that'll show you all how to not talk to your professors."
Then, just as Harry opened his mouth, the lesson ended and they all left the classroom grumbling.
Ron was too angry to compose clear sentences. Everything his companions heard was mumbled "Bloody Snape... Who does he bloody think he is?... put a curse on... cruciatus... illegal..."
Hermione and Harry exchanged worried looks but decided to just let him live out his anger.
"So how did it go with Dumbledore last night?" Hermione asked Harry, successfully changing the subject and even bringing Ron out of his scary thoughts.
(A/N I am not going to repeat what happened there, this is not a book about Harry and the Horcruxses. If you want to catch up on this story, go read Harry Potter and The Half-blood Prince. I am writing about Hermione and Draco and their relationship.)
Hermione spent a lot of her time in the library, looking for anything about the Half-blood Prince, thinking that it may help her figure out who they were and if they were any threat to her or her friends. She looked and looked, but didn't find anything. She had found a girl named Emily Prince but the boys had quickly shut down the idea that the prince could be a girl. That quite offended Hermione and she shut herself into the library again.
Only this time she felt like there was someone looking at her. Looking around her she only saw Ginny and her boyfriend Dean snuggling in a corner. Hermione sighed sadly. She had told Ginny to start dating someone, that maybe she wouldn't be as shaken every time the younger girl happened near her all time big crush, Harry. And that maybe, just maybe Harry would notice what he's missing out on. So far it had worked out quite well, despite Ginny's ex Michael Corner, also known as the ultimate jerk.
Anyway they seemed to be the only ones in the library besides Hermione herself, and they were certainly too busy with each other to even glance her way. So who was watching her?
After a few more glances around, she decided to just call it paranoia. She once again roamed her eyes over the bookshelves, trying to find anything about any prince.
Suddenly she bumped into something hard and started to fall over, only to have someone wrap their arms around her and prevent her falling on her butt painfully.
Hermione looked up, thinking she'd see Dean or Ginny, which would be kind of weird since both of them were either shorter than her or about the same size, not like the body hovering above her.
As she looked up she met with the most mesmerising eyes she'd ever seen before.
Shaking her head to clear her mid, she noticed truly whose hands had wrapped themselves around her. Draco Malfoy.
Hermione shrieked, pulled away, and fled, fearing both Draco and the librarian's anger.
On the hurried way back to the dormitory, she once again ran into someone, only this time slightly smaller person. They both fell down with another loud shriek. Looking down she noticed Ginny, rubbing her head that she had probably hit on the ground.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Ginny! Are you OK?" Hermione worried whilst thinking that she really should look where she's going.
"Yeah I'm fine," said Ginny taking Dean's hand that he had offered her. "Are you? Why are you running like you just saw You-Know-Who or something?" Ginny's voice was now etched with worry.
"I uh," Hermione doubted. She already knew how her friends would react to her being bumped into Malfoy. Harry would start talking about how she could've been killed since Draco is a Death Eater if you believe him. And Ron would probably go and try to hex Malfoy, maybe getting caught and into trouble. And Ginny would not stop worrying, and would tell Harry and Ron. So, it couldn't turn out well for Hermione in any way.
"I was just worried that I would be out after curfew, and I saw Filch roaming the hallways with Mrs. Norris. I just taught it better to escape." Hermione felt kind of bad about lying but hoped it didn't show on her face.
"Oh," said Dean surprised. "Is it really that late? We should all go back to the dormitory then."
And so they headed towards the Griffindor tower together.
The next day, Hermione feared to go anywhere near Malfoy, thinking he'd sneak up on her and attack her. She clutched her wand in her pocket and jumped every time someone came up to her from behind.
"What's up with you, Hermione?" asked Harry after potions class. "You didn't even look at me like I just killed your cat when I used the prince's book."
"What?" Hermione had just seen Draco Malfoy walk past and was only half listening to her friend. "I umm I uh. "Well, you'll use it anyway whether I have something to say about it or not. So why waste my nerves?"
"Hermione the prince has done nothing wrong. He is helping me a lot and this is what you can't stand - someone being better than you in any way"
And that's how the subject was dropped and Hermione spaced out again, thinking about why Draco hadn't attacked yet.


I hope you enjoy :)
Oh, and if you're into Harry Potter and Dramione, go follow me on Instagram - _dramione101_
There are going to be many pictures about those things :):):)

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