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Third Person POV:

          A baby's cry rang out through the dim lit room; two small cats looking inside the crib holding the small, crying, infant.

"Great, you see what you did?" The red cat hissed, glaring at the socked green one.

"Me?! I didn't do anything!" The small green cat growled in response, "You're the one who insisted on seeing Leon!"

Suddenly, the door to the infant's blue room opened, revealing a woman with long, curly, black hair. Her emerald eyes flashed with annoyance as she looked at the two cats, carefully picking the screaming baby.

"Taz..." The woman sighed, looking at the red cat, "I just put him down..."

Taz opened his jaw, as if to argue, but quickly shut it; going against the idea. The green cat snickered, looking at Taz with amusement filled green eyes.

"Shut it, Boomer!" Taz yowled, tackling Boomer to the ground; causing both cats to fall off the dresser.

This only made the infant screech louder, causing another cat to pop his head in the darkened room. This cat had a pink torso with red dots on the pink fur; his limbs, tail and head were grey. He had brilliant blue eyes which flashed with worry as he sat at the woman's feet, looking at the cry baby.

"Nyan, nyan, nyan?" The multi-colored cat questioned with worry filled eyes.

"Leon's fine," The woman spoke softly, finally calming the infant, "Thank you, Nyan..."

The woman laughed softly, watching the multi-colored cat usher the two other cats out of the room. Nyan pushed the door closed with a paw, soon jumping on the dresser as the baby whimpered or cooed.

"Nyan, nyan..." The grey-limbed cat had an awe-struck expression as he stared at the infant.

Leon opened his eyes as his cries died down to nothing but coos; revealing golden eyes. The baby was slowly growing golden hair as he aged, just like his father; though, he had his mother's peachy skin color.

"Holly?" A timid voice called from the doorway, causing Nyan and the women to turn; facing a little girl with dark brown, curly hair.

"Yes, Clementine?" Holly questioned, smiling softly at the little girl.

"Is Leon okay?" Clementine tilted her head slightly, a puzzled expression playing across her face.

"Leon's fine, honey," Holly smiled warmly, "Taz and Boomer had just woke him up from his nap..."

"Oh, okay," Clementine grinned cheerily, "Lee and I are making lunch, do you want a hamburger?"

"That sounds great," Holly followed the little girl down the hallway; the grey-limbed cat in tow.

"There's my Nephew!" A tall man exclaimed, approaching Holly with outstretched arms, "Come here, little man."

"Daniel, drop him..." Holly glared at the man, "And I'll murder you on the spot."

"Yeah, dear sister," Daniel frowned at his sister, taking Leon, "I feel so trusted holding your kid..."

"She's not the only one who will murder you..." A man walked in the room, wrapping his arms around Holly's waist, "I'll slice your fucking balls off..."

Holly laughed, kissing the man's cheek. He had golden eyes, and golden hair; his skin was a mixture between a tan and peachy color.

"Stephano! That's no way to speak, and in front of mini Stephano!" A dirty blonde male exclaimed, throwing his hands up; blue eyes glowing with mock fury.

"Shut up, Felix..." Stephano grumbled, glaring at the noisy man.

"Yes, friend," A man stepped beside Felix, wearing a poker face mask, "You'll upset Leon."

The baby squealed in laughter as the masked man poked him in the side; causing Daniel to chuckle.

"Fuck you, Cry..." Felix growled, soon laughing with everyone else.

"Whoa! Everybody do the Piggeh-Slide!" A pink haired man dragged a brunet behind him, "Come on Mr. Chair!"

"Piggeh, I demand you let me go!" The man wearing a green vest tried struggling away from the pig-eared man.

"Leon!" A strawberry-blonde woman walked in after the two men, walking up to Daniel and stroking Leon's cheek, "Hey, bugaboo!"

"Hey, Savanna," Holly smiled, waving at the strawberry-blonde, "How are you?"

"I'm great!" Savanna turned to Holly, smiling warmly "How are the new parents?"

"Jesus Christ... Tired..." Stephano huffed with a French accent slurring his words.

"It's worth it though, and you know it..." Holly laughed, leaning on her lover.

Clementine came in the room, holding a tray of hamburgers and hotdogs; setting it down on the table. A tall African-American followed closely behind, holding cans of soda in his arms.

"It looks great, Lee!" Felix exclaimed as everybody sat at the table.

"There you go, big man," Daniel set Leon in his high-chair.

Holly and Stephano sat on either side Leon; their new parent paranoia taking over.

"It really didn't take much effort," Lee chuckled, putting mustard on his hamburger.

Taz, Boomer, and Nyan took the last empty chairs.

"To family!" Cry cheered, raising his soda can, "To a true family!"

"To a true family!" Everyone clanked their soda cans together; causing Leon to squeal in laughter, slamming his tiny fists on his table.

The End

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