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"I know that people around here suck at introductions, no pun intended," said Elizabeth. "But I'll try again. My name is Elizabeth Badcocke."

"I'm Scarlett Owens," I replied. She smiled, then took a step back and looked me up and down. While she did, I admired her dress, which was a midnight blue, with black lace sleeves that were tight from her shoulders to elbows and loosened around her forearm. The dress itself was long and silky, with a slit in the bottom. To top it off, she wore jet black stilettos and a silver necklace.

"Alright, you're obviously going to need a change of clothes," Elizabeth said, gesturing towards my pajamas. "Close your eyes."

Wind whipped around me, blowing my hair everywhere. It would disappear for a second, then blow back. I guessed she was running.

The wind stopped altogether and she said, "Come here, but keep your eyes closed." She grabbed my hand and pulled me forward, then pushed me into a chair. I felt a soft tugging at my hair, and slight tickling on my face. She went at a human pace as she did my hair and makeup, but I could barely feel a thing.

"Alright," Elizabeth said. "I'm going to need you to open your eyes now, but look straight up, don't look down no matter what." I did as she said, and she continued, humming to herself as she worked. I closed my eyes again when she told me to.

Something soft slipped around my neck. "Okay," she breathed. "Stand up." I did, and she said, with obvious giddiness, "open your eyes."

In front of me she held a long rectangular mirror with a white frame. And in it, I could see myself. "How...?" Elizabeth grinned. "Our witch, Serenity, did me a favor." She put a finger over her red lips. "Don't tell Reuben."

My eyes stayed transfixed on the mirror. The dress was a deep scarlet (of course) with what looked like black velvet vines starting at the hem and winding their way up. The cloth felt soft and satiny, and it flowed down to the ground and swished around my feet. It was a corset from the waist up, but I didn't mind, because it was also strapless, and the tightness helped me keep it up. "I had to give you a scarlet dress," Elizabeth said, amusement flickering in her eyes.

My long curls fell over my shoulders elegantly, and something like diamonds glittered in them. Elizabeth had done a smokey eye (something I had never been able to accomplish) with eyeliner, mascara and everything, making my red iris's look even brighter. The only other makeup that I could detect was some foundation and bright red lipstick. A black lace choker lined my neck.

"You can walk in heels, of course. All vampires are graceful. I'm pretty sure. But it doesn't matter what shoes you wear, because they won't show anyway. So the question is whether or not you'd be comfortable in them." I looked down at my bare feet, then over at her heels.

"Uh... Do you have anything else?"

"Of course," she answered, darting to her closet and shuffling around for a second. "How're these?" She held up a pair of black boots.


Just then there was a knock at the door, and Elizabeth had the boots on my feet and was at the door in a flash. She gestured for me to stand next to her.

She opened the door to reveal Adam. He was dressed in gray tux, with a white button up underneath and a gray tie. His dark brown hair was combed through, though still thick and wavy. He looked dazzling. Elizabeth looked as if she might faint, and I just stood in a daze.

Adam saw me and did a double take. I swore his eyes almost popped out of his head. He cleared his throat and stood straighter. "Nice dress, Red."

"Nice suit, Gray," I responded. He scowled, but it did nothing against his breathtaking beauty. "Let's just go," said Elizabeth. "Before Reuben gets impatient." Adam nodded, and we exited the room.

"Come on," Adam complained after about two seconds of walking. "Can't we go any faster?"

I rolled my eyes. "Do you have to freak speed everywhere?"

"Freak speed?"


He groaned. "How did I get stuck with you?"

"Well maybe if you didn't—"

"Hey, Adam! Maybe we should tell Scarlett what to expect so she doesn't, like, die," Elizabeth interjected.

Adam rolled his eyes, but Elizabeth ignored him. "Any questions, Scarlett?"


"Ooh, I wouldn't ask her that," Adam interrupted. "The questions won't end."

I shot him a quick glare and turned back to Elizabeth, thinking through my questions more carefully. "How do vampires act?"

Elizabeth thought about it for a second, and was about to answer but Adam beat her to it. "They don't care, which is why I don't think you'll be able to pull it off. You think too much."

"Most don't care," said Elizabeth. "Just try and blend in, don't draw too much attention to yourself."

That shouldn't be too hard. I've always been normal. Not too tall, not too short. Not ugly, not pretty; not popular, not unpopular. Just normal. I was usually able to blend in to any crowd I got into.

Thinking about it, I felt a sudden feeling of excitement. I've never done anything like this. It was thrilling.

"Here we are," said Adam as we stopped at a large door. "You ready for this?" Elizabeth asked. I nodded, adrenaline coursing through my body. I could hear the sound of laughing and talking behind the heavy doors.

"Let's go," I heard Adam say. I wrung out my clammy palms, took a deep breath, and in a burst of confidence, pushed through the double doors. Elizabeth and Adam followed close behind me, and no one gave us a second glance this time.

I was immediately met by the blast of music pounding in my ears. It was the same room we found Reuben and Elizabeth, but this time I got a better look at it. It may have been the largest room I've ever seen, with an extremely high ceiling and tons of people in it with lots of room to spare. Circular tables lined the edges, and vampires danced gracefully in the center. Above the dancers hung a large crystal chandelier, bouncing light onto the swarm of pale faces and beautiful features.

"I'm going to go find Reuben," Elizabeth told me. She shot Adam a pointed look. "Stay with her."

Adam's eyes widened in fake innocence. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Just stay," she replied. With that, she disappeared into the crowd.

I turned to Adam. "Let's do this."

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