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The man came out of nowhere. One moment, I was looking down the creepy shortcut I had originally planned to take, and I had turned to go the long way when he ran up to me and grabbed my forearms, screaming something unintelligible.

Now, most people in this situation would run for the hills, but I stayed frozen to the spot. Abruptly, the man stopped yelling and looked into my eyes. Only then did I noticed his eyes were an unnaturally bright red. "Sir? What happened? Are you okay?"

"It-hurts," he stuttered. I was about to ask what that meant when he collapsed against me, his head lying limply against my shoulder. I gasped and struggled against his weight, trying to reach my phone to call the police.

I had just typed in the number when a sharp pain pierced my neck. I cried out and dropped my phone, struggling to get him off me. But he wouldn't let go. Whatever had pierced my skin held on, and it took me a moment to realize it was his teeth.

I would have been disgusted if it didn't hurt so bad. Desperately, I struggled and screamed, thrashed and flailed, but he didn't budge. Finally, I did the only thing I could think to do. I bit him.

My teeth sunk into the flesh on his arm, and a warm, metallic taste filled my mouth. He yelped and took a step back, rubbing his arm in surprise. I tried to spit out the blood, but somehow ended up swallowing it. I gagged and sprinted away.

Or, at least, I tried to. I didn't get but three feet when a wave of dizziness overwhelmed me. I fell to my knees, gasping, and then to my hands. The world spun.

Behind me, the man disappeared soundlessly into the night.

The edges of my vision flashed white. Sweating and gasping, I looked up one last time before losing consciousness. A boy was running towards me. He was tall, that much I could tell, but my vision was too blurry to see anything else. Reaching my side, he bent down next to me just as I fell completely to the concrete.

The last thing I was aware of was the boys arms around me, gentle but firm as he lifted me into the air.

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