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I was not happy with this answer, but I was too flattered to say anything. We sat awkwardly for a moment before I cleared my throat. "So...are all the vampire myths true?"

"Pretty much," Adam replied, setting his empty coffee cup down. "Bram Stoker's Dracula was pretty spot on."

"So vampires sleep in coffins?" It was a strange thought, but it would explain why I couldn't get comfortable last night.

"No, of course not. That's just weird."


He stood and stretched, cat-like and graceful. "Are you done with the questions?"

"For now."

He nodded. "Good. Because I'm not going to sit here all day. Let's go." He gestured to the mirror.


He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, then pushed me forward. "No," I said. "No way."

"C'mon, Little Red. Down the rabbit hole."

"Those are two different fairyta—"

I didn't get to finish, because Adam shoved me forward, into the mirror.

•  •  •  •  •

A tickling sensation spread through my body in the short second it took me to pass through the pane of glass. I would have laughed were I not so terrified.

I hit the ground hard, landing on my hands and knees. "What the—" someone started, and someone else hissed.

I looked up. A small group of people were staring down at me with silver eyes and sharp canines. They were all dressed elegantly, in tuxedoes and flowing gowns. I stayed in the same position as I landed, trembling in fear and suddenly very aware that all I was wearing was a tank top and pajama shorts. The people—or vampires, I guess—all looked confused, alarmed.

Just then, all their eyes snapped back to the mirror. I didn't move, just kept staring and trembling. Relief flashed over their faces, and most of them took a step back and relaxed.

"Sorry gentleman," said a now familiar voice. Adam. "Ladies," he added, kissing the top of the nearest woman's hand. The young woman blushed a deep red.

Adam stepped towards me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. I stumbled and stood with his hand still gripping my upper arm. "Sorry to interrupt. This is Red Owens."

"My name is Scarlett," I snapped, before sinking back under the stare of the vampires. Adam chuckled a little. "Does anyone know where Reuben is?"

One vampire in the front spoke up. "He's in the dining hall, I think."

"Thank you," said Adam, and dragged me by my wrist through a door in the left side of the room while the group stared after me and I stared at them.

"What the heck Adam?" I whispered when the door closed behind us. He stopped in the dark corridor we had entered, and turned to me. "Do you trust me?" he asked abruptly, instead of answering my question.

"What?" I snapped.

"Do you trust me?" he repeated.

"No, not really."

"Hm. Well, you'll learn to."

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