"Did you try to call her?" Dad asked breaking the silence. I look at him and shook my head. I didn't try to call her because I know she switch off her phone.

"Why? If you call then maybe she could pick it up and talk to you."

"I know she probably switch off her phone." I told him with a shrug. He look at me with serious look.

"Call her now." He told me. I sigh but didn't argue because I know after calling he know I am right. I take out my phone and dial her number before turning on to speaker. I was surprised when I heard bell. After 5 ring she pick it up but before I could say anything we heard some shuffling voices.

"Give it to me." A voice shout from outside. It was Ayaz. I clenched my hand when I thought of him shouting at her like that.

"R-Rauhan. Help me." Khadija stuttered and I could feel her scared by her voice.

"Oh, it is his call. Let me speak." He says with evil chuckle then I heard something getting smack.

"Don't touch her." I warned him but he laugh. Dad was looking ready to kill him.

"Bad manners Rauhan. Did anyone told you not told speak like that with your wife lover?" He says and I could feel him smirking on other side.

"Did anyone tell you not to touch a married women?" I retorted. I heard him taking a breath to control his anger.

"Bad Rauhan. I am touching the women I love."

"You are sick." Khadija say from other side and I again heard him slapping her.

"Shut up. I am not sick." He yelled at her.

"What you want?" I asked him. If he want money or any other thing I will give him to get her back.

"I got what I want. Good luck with your future Rauhan."

"No, please! Rauhan, please help me." Khadija begged I could feel my eyes watered when I heard her begging me to save her but I couldn't do anything.

"Listen to me... Hello? Hello Ayaz? Hello!" I yelled but line cut. I redial her number but it was switched off now. I let water fall from my eyes. I put my face in my hand and start to cry. I forget Dad was here with me until I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry we will find him." Dad assured me but I shake my head.

"We can't Dad. He even switch off the phone and we don't know where they are." I said and he smiled slightly.

"I track her phone while he was talking to you. The place where he is hiding is few minutes. If we leave now we could get him before he could go another place." He explained and put the address in GPS. I wipe my face and drove off to get her back to me.

After few minutes I park the car in front of an old building. This building was very old and scary. Peoples are sitting drinking and taking drugs on stairs. There's also an apartment where I saw dry blood on door. A drunk guy stumble before rolling down to stairs. We check all apartments but they all are locked expect one on 5 floor.

Dad step forward and knock but we didn't get any reply. We waited for few minutes before walking away but stop when we heard a glass broken. Dad look at me and motion me to break the door. I take few steps back before throwing my shoulder on door causing it to open. We went inside but everything was quiet. No sound was coming from anywhere. There were two rooms on opposite side. I went in right while Dad went in left.

When I step in room everything was covered with dust causing me to cough slightly. I walk inside and try to find any clue but didn't get anything. As I walk out I heard Dad screaming for my name. I ran to other room and was shocked to see Khadija lying on floor in a small pool of blood.

"Khadija!" I ran toward her but her eyes were closed. I untie her hand and legs. I call her name again and again but didn't get any reply. Her face was turning purple. I heard Dad calling ambulance. He already call police when we are coming here.

Suddenly we heard door slamming voice and a very angry Ayaz walk inside. He look like he is ready to kill me but I didn't let him do that. I stood up and walk over him. I throw my fist right on his face causing him to stumble back and held his face. He regain himself before attacking me but I dodge him and again hit him. He fell on floor. I stood above him and gripped his shirt before hitting him. I take my all anger at him. I beat him for touching her, for trying to take advantage for her innocence, for scaring her and for trying to take her away from me.

I throw my last punch at him before I was held back by my Dad and cops. I can tell my face was red with anger. I shake my hand and flinch when I feel pain shot in my knuckles but I ignore it. I ran when Khadija was taken down in Ambulance. I heard footsteps following mine. I know it was Dad. I step in ambulance with her and held her hand tightly. I was scared to lose her.

I saw as people in ambulance attach some wire to her and give her oxygen mask. They were talking telling something I didn't hear. I was only thinking about her and blaming myself not to protect her as I promise her. I am a bad husband. I can't even protect my wife and our child. If I shouldn't keep distance between us then this never happened to her. I should have be with her when she needs me the most.

When we arrived at hospital, they take her inside and we followed them. They immediately take her in Operation Theater and start the operation. I leaned back on the wall and slid down to floor. Dad was gone to inform her family. Shehroz and Shaheer were by my side and comforting me saying she will be okay.

After two hours of operation was done and doctor came out. She take off her mask and sigh heavily.

"Is she okay?"

"She is okay but..." She paused. My heart stop when she say but. I waited for her to say something and when she did, my whole world crash.

"We are sorry but we couldn't save your child."


Update! I hope you like. Tell me what you think about his chapter. 

Sadly only 5 Chapters left including Epilogue. I hope you like that as well. 


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